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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


I am waking up shaking. This is not the first time that I dreamt about what happened when we lost Sara. This is another night of the never-ending torture of my dreams. I slide from my bed, without waking Miley and rise to my feet.

I'm tortured by my past. I have done things, terrible things, some things that made me sick to my stomach. I know I'm bad and I don't deserve to be called a good person. I'm a killer. I killed not only to protect myself but also to protect the ones I love. Not that it matters anyway, because the most important person in my life is dead. I couldn't save her anymore.

I sigh and feel the tears fall from my eyes. I know what Connor will say if he saw me like this. He will say that I'm no monster, that I am no killer. Maybe even tell me that I will be alright and will get over this.

,,He's wrong though." I mutter to myself. I haven't told him that of course, because then I will get that look again. Connor has lost his mother and his best friend in one of the missions we had to do. I know that's awful too, but everybody knew what Sara meant to me. I lied to Connor about what I felt and told him I was alright. Nobody can understand the nightmares that I have ever since I lost her. Every time I face an enemy, I want to kill him right away just to avenge my sister, but I hold myself back every time. Our company serves justice, but because of an inside mol, everything fell apart two years ago, right after it was required to handle a gun.


I was in position, my squad had silently and effectively surrounded the place we used to train, who has now fallen into the wrong hands. This used to be our base, but because of that traitor, we aren't only losing our base but also our dignity. People were talking about us, that we couldn't perform like we used to anymore.

I'm only around here for two years, but I can still fight and despite my age, which is fifteen, they made me their co-captain, next to Sara and I can't let them down now.

It was really simple, this man was a problem. One of the biggest things about the company was the value of secrecy, if you knew about us you were either working for the company or you kept quiet about it and we left you alone.

This man James Hunter was about to break that simple set of rules. He was about to expose us to the world, so he had to be silenced tonight.

,,Team confirm the locations and status of the assignment." I said calmly.

,,Team one, in position. The security guard has taken out." I heard Connor say.

,,Team two, in position. Car battery removed." Nate told me.

,,Team three, in position. Preparing to cut power at your command." The last two-man team said to me.

,,Cut power in sixty seconds, then everyone guard exits." Sara said before turning to me. That was my sister. She was only three years older dan me, which means nineteen.

,,Ready to get this over with?" She asked me, after which I nodded.

,,Alright then, let's get this done." We moved in quickly and slipped into the old base. I stared around. I kicked the door to the headquarters and found James with a woman and two children.

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