Chapter 14

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*few weeks after *

*Vivian's POV*

I made new friends . I'm in the new crowd now . I haven't talked to any of the crew since the day I found out . Jack and I have small talk it's just a simple hi or how are you . He told me he was sorry multiple times but I still couldn't forgive him . It wasn't so easy I walked into my first period and say in my new seat since we changed seats . I was wearing leggings and my white and black free runs with my north face it was really cold outside it was December 12 so we're almost out of school for our winter break . I was really excited I would be free from all this . But I wanted to talk to jack I was tired of just everything in general I wanted to let him explain his story but I was also scared on what would happen . Honestly I miss him a lot . I missed everything we had . I miss my old friends . But I never knew if I was hanging out with the right crowd . The bell snapped me out of my trace . I gathered my things and swung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out " Vivian ! Wait ! Wait up !" I turned around and saw jack . I was confused because I never talk to him . I mean I do but he never calls me like this . He eventually caught up " hey " he smiled " hi " I said " uhm okay well I'm just gunna get this out but um I really want to explain things you and how everything went . So I was hoping uhm we maybe after school we went somewhere to clear the air . I-if that's alright with you I mean you don't have to go I was - " he rambled " jack ! Fine I'll go with you " I said " sorry I talk to much " he said " no worries it's all good " I said with a slight smile . It was like he read my mind he knew I wanted to talk or maybe didn't ? I walked to my next class and saw sam,Mallory,Johnson, and justin I slightly smiled at them I sat next to my friend laine and Emily " hey guys " I said " hey " Emily responded " what's up " laine said " well jack talked to me " I said " oh my god ! What did he say ?!?" They said loudly causing people to stare " he wanted to explain his story and stuff and I said sure because I was done with all this and I miss him loads " I said frowning at the end " oh god you guys are gunna end up having babies when your older " laine said " EW LAINE !" Emily and I said and laughed after . School had finished and I had to go get Bella but I also had lunch with jack ugh I didn't think this through " hey Vivian " a voice said I slightly jumped " jack don't do

That " I said and slapped his arm he laughed " sorry but um I'll pick you up around 7 or so ? Is that alright ?" He asked " yeah yeah that's perfect I'll see you at 4 " I waved goodbye before leaving to pick up Bella .

* 6:42 *

I started getting ready I changed into white Holister jeans and a black tank top and my red hoodie I put on my red and white vans and got my bag there was a knock on the door when I got at the bottom of the stairs . Nice timing I thought . " I'll get it !" I yelled I opened the door and saw jack " hey you ready?" He smiled " yeah lemme just say goodbye to my mom and Bella " I said walking to the kitchen " bye mom I'll be back soon , bye Bella " I said kissing Bella's forehead " alright honey have fun don't come back to late " my mom said " bye sissy " Bella said i walked to the door " okay let's go " I said while getting my keys I got to jacks car , he opened the door " thanks " I said " no problem " he responded before closing my door and running to the other side " so where are we going ?" I asked once jack got in " It's a special place I like to go too , just to clear my mind and stuff " he responded " that's cool " I said . The rest of the ride was quite we got to this pond " wow this is a beautiful sight" I said " I know " jack whispered " how'd you find this place ?" I whispered " i have no Idea " he said sighing . I could see his breath . It was pretty cold it was winter so of course it was cold " come here and sit down with me " jack said walking over to the grass " but I have white jeans on " I said " you can sit on my lap " he laughed " I regret wearing white jeans " I said " ugh I'll just sit on the grass " I said sitting down everything was quite for a while but then jack spoke up " I miss you a lot " he said " I miss you too " I said " I'm really sorry , I really didn't mean to hurt you .." He said looking at me I stayed silent I couldn't feel the tears coming I looked at the sky " why'd you do it ? " I said looking at my hands trying not to cry " I was being stupid , I didn't think I would actually fall for you but then I realized how intelligent and how beautiful you were " jack said still looking at me I slightly smiled " at first yeah you were a bet but then I grew to know you and i was like wow your perfect my dream girl and when I asked you out I never thought about the bet till that day we were at mikes house I wanted to call it off and that's when you walked In .. And I guess you heard you were a complete bet . But you weren't . You were mine . But I lost you for being an idiot " he said I saw a tear roll down his cheek " now I just spent days and days feeling guilty , feeling like something's missing , feeling like I was stupid for listening to sam and making the stupid bet " he continued " jack , I was really hurt when I heard I was a bet , I never thought I was one , I always thought it was something real -" I said " and it was when I asked you out but I messed that up " jack said " jack I still am hurting .. I don't know who to trust anymore . I don't know . I felt lost those days I didn't go to school . " I took a breath preventing myself from crying I couldn't continue I knew I would start crying " I'm sorry I really am I just want you to be mine again . I feel lost without you . I feel like I'm lost without you . I feel like I'm not me . I need you . I need you back in my life . Back to being mine . Please " he said I saw tears rolling down his face I crawled into his lapped and hugged him and I let it all out " don't cry I don't like to see you cry " he said whipping my tears away " I'm sorry I just missed you a lot " I said " please be mine ? Again ? Please " he begged I smiled " of course " I said hugging and i felt tears rolling down my tears from happiness I have him back I pulled away from the hug " why are you crying ?" He said laughing " I'm happy your back " I said I smiled whipping my tears away " I'm glad your back too " he responded smiling he leaned In and kissed me I kissed back it felt like forever . This feeling were never going away . I knew I was falling hard for jack gilinsky .

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