Chapter 32

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*Vivian's POV*
It's was finally Friday ! The last day before winter break I was so excited christmas and New Years ahh just made me more excited. I love holidays! I was walking to my third period class when I heard someone call for me I turned around and say jack " hey babe wanna ditch the rest of the day? You do okay great!" He said pulling me through the crowd of people " jack wait ! I didn't even say yes or no!" I screamed over the loud people finally getting outside " I just figured you'd say yes cause I know you don't wanna be here anymore " jack stated " that is very true" I said pointing at him " but what do I do with my car I can't leave it here" I said " here let's talk it back to my house and we can just chill there" jack shrugged " alright your house it is" I said. I unlocked my car and put my backpack in the trunk taking my phone out before I closed it.

I started driving to jacks house. Once I got there I saw jack waiting for me outside in the cold " jack it's freezing out here why are you outside?" I screamed " because I needed to hit a blunt " jack said shrugging his shoulders " c'mon lets go inside" I said pulling him up and walking inside " your butt is a nice shape" he said poking my butt " okay your high " I stated laughing " just a little " he said showing an amount with his fingers " let's go upstairs " he said yawning I followed him upstairs making sure he wouldn't fall.

I got into his room and I saw him sprawled out on his bed " I guess I sit on the floor " I said sitting down where I stood " no come here " he said making room for me, I crawled my way over and got on his bed and sat criss cross apple sauce. Jack looked up at me weirdly " your weird " jack said laughing " how am I weird? " I said scrunching up my nose " your sitting criss cross we're not in kindergarten anymore honey " jack laughed " so only cause I'm not in kindergarten doesn't mean anything we'll sit cris cross sometimes in our teenage life and in our adult life " I stated " I'm tired " jack mumbled into his pillow " go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up " I said playing with his hair " I love you " he said pecking my lips " love you too Hun. " jack quickly fell asleep.

After about 20 minutes is started getting bored so I started cleaning his room. Cleaning everything even the bathroom. I picked up jacks dirty boxers and put them in the dirty clothes basket. I cleaned the toilet then went to his walk-in closet I cleaned the dirty mirror he had it there, it took awhile for me to clean it all I couldn't reach some places to I had to grab a chair. I was folding his clean clothes when I heard jack call my name " Vivian ?! " I heard him say " in your closet !" I screamed " what the hell are you doing in here? And why is my room clean? " he said confused " well you see I started getting bored so I decided why not clean his room" I told him " thanks babe but I could have done that myself plus I didn't bring you here to clean " he said helping me up and kissing me, I kissed back like always I felt sparks , fireworks , so much passion " I love you " jack said pulling away " I love you too " I said smiling and looking into his brown eyes.

After a while we went downstairs jack said he was really hungry so I decoded to cook for him, we'll try too. Jack sat down " so what do you want? " I asked jack " make me that pasta your mom always makes " he said " which one she makes a lot " i said " your favorite " jack replied " the chicken pasta? Of course! " I said excitedly " wait where are your sauces and all that? " I asked jack " right there " he said I grabbed some of them and started cooking.
After about half an hour or so I was finally done with the chicken pasta " jack! It's done " I yelled jack came in from the living room rubbing his hands and licking his lips. He sat down where the I had put down his plate I heard him moan " this is so good " he said " thanks I'm glad you liked it " I smiled " well sit down with me aren't you going to eat with me? " jack said " oh yeah I forgot " I said I got my plate and sat down " you should really come over more often and cook for me " jack said with his mouth full " jack stop eating with your mouth full! " I said he laughed.

After we ate I started cleaning the dirty dishes and all the mess I had made while cooking " want me to help? " said jack " no I'm good thanks though " I said " yeah I'm almost done anyway " I said putting soap on the dishes " alright I'll wait for you in the living room " he said walking away.

I had cleaned all the mess I was walking out of the kitchen when someone screamed in my ear I screamed as loud as I could and kneed them in the balls, then I realized it was jack I started laughing so hard I was on the ground with him " are you okay? " I said in between breaths he groaned, my stomach was hurting I felt like I was doing a work out for my abs or something " I don't think I'd like you scare you ever again " jack said standing up and holding his sack I was still laughing " yeah you shouldn't " I said laughing.

We spent all day together just messing around with each other and maybe some make out sessions in between ;-). I loved today and nothing possibly could have ruined it.


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