Chapter 31

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* After school *

*Jacks pov*
I told vivian I would take her on a date and I was but she's going to be meeting my parents , I didn't wanna tell her cause I know she'd freak and start worrying and I didn't want that. I was walking out of school, looking to see if I would see her anywhere. After a while of looking I finally spotted her she was laughing with mallory. I made my way over and hugged her from behind she jumped slightly " hey , you scared me " she said turning around " it seems like I always scare you" I said scrunching up my nose " well maybe you should stop catching me off guard or when I'm distracted " she said giggling " nah I'd like to stick to scaring you " I said looking down at her she laughed and slightly pushed me " your so mean to me " she said " I'm sorry I love you " I said kissing her " love you too " she said pulling away and pecking my lips one more time " wow you guys just never enough of each other , URGH you guys are so cute " mallory said crossing her arms " thanks mal well I'll text you soon to come over " vivian said hugging her goodbye " bye Jack see ya later " mal said waving goodbye " see ya mal " I said waving back " now that's only me and you lets get going " I said grabbing Vivian's hand " it's you and I " she said correcting me " whatever " I said smiling. We got in the car and left school. I got to Vivian's house and walked in " mother ! I'm home !" She yelled " I'm upstairs with bella !" Isabella responded " well do you want anything before we go up there ?" Vivian said turning to me " nah I'm good " I said shaking my head " alright let's go see what they're doing " she said grabbing my hand leading me upstairs. We walked in to Bella's room I saw bella and her mom " hey mom hey bella " vivian greeted " hello isabella hey bells " I said " hey guys ! I was just braiding Bella's hair " she said looking back at us " we'll be in my room if you guys need anything " vivian said " alright honey! It's nice seeing you again Jack !" She said and smiled " nice seeing you too Isabella " I responded and smiled back.
After awhile of talking and messing around I'd figure I'd leave so she could get ready " babe is it fancy or casual ? " she asked before I left " dress nice like fancy but not too fancy " I responded I really don't know what's the difference between casual or fancy " alright I'll see you later love you " she said pecking my lips " bye I'll be by to pick you up " I said walking out the door " alright !" She said before she closed the door I got in my car and left.

*Vivian's POV*

I got changed and mallory showed up a few minutes later she started curling my hair as soon as she got here " dang mal your fast at this " I said looking at my finished hair " I know you look beautiful I know jack is going to be drooling over you " she said " thanks mal I owe you " I said hugging her " oo I better get going Jack should be here any minute " she said grabbing her stuff " good luck tonight see you tomorrow ! " she said walking out of my room " bye mal thank you ! " I said I heard our front door close signaling she had left. Two minutes later I received a call it was Jack " hey babe " I answered " hey I'm outside " he said " alright I'll be right there " I said hanging up " hey mom I'm leaving I'll be back later ! " I said from the door " alright honey ! Have fun on your date ! " she screamed from her room I walked outside closing the door behind me " wow you look beautiful " Jack said meeting me half way " thank you you look handsome " I said looking at him he was wearing a suit with a black tie "thanks , shall we get going ?" He said putting his arm out " we shall " I said wrapping my arm around his arm. He opened the door for me and helped me get in the car " thank you " I said he ran to the other side and got in.

After we got there Jack got out and ran to my side and helped me out " okay uhm I forgot to tell you something " Jack said getting nervous " uhm so maybe I lied to you , my uhm parents are here and I didn't want to tell you because I know you'd freak and get nervous " Jack rambled " Jack ! Why didn't you tell me?! Oh my god Jack I'm not ready to meet your parents ! What if they don't like me ?! Jack urgh why'd you do this to me ?!" I whispered yelled " I'm sorry ! It's just I knew you'd be like this ! " he said " urgh fine , lets just get this over with " I said walking in front of Jack " babe , babe hey come here , I'm sure they'll like you okay? " Jack said looking at me " let's just go inside and get this over with " I said walking once again away from Jack but then I realized I didn't wanna go in there alone " realized you didn't wanna go in there and look like a fool?" Jack said smirking " shut up and walk " I grumbled holding his hand " your cute " Jack said opening the door for me " thank you " I said walking in " reservations for gilinsky " Jack said to the host " right this way , your family is waiting for you " he said to Jack " thank you " Jack said I saw his mom dad and two other girls I was guessing those were his sisters " mom,dad, Molly, Laura , this is vivian my girlfriend the one I've told you guys about " Jack said " oh honey ! Your beautiful Jack has described you but I'd never thought you were this beautiful!" She smiled while hugging me " oh thank you ! Your just as beautiful as you look in your pictures Jack has showed me " I said smiling " why thank you sit down let's all get to know eachother" she smiled " hello I'm Jack's dad " Mr. Gilinsky greeted me " hello it's nice to finally meet you " I smiled shaking his hand " I'm Molly and this is my sister Laura it's nice to finally meet you God Jack won't ever shut up about you ! " Molly said hugging me i laughed and hugged back " she's right , he won't ever stop at all " Laura said laughing and hugging me " okay girls let her get to her chair so we can all eat !" Mrs. Gilinsky said I sat down next to Jack " are you like this so far?" Jack whispered in my ear " yeah they're so loving " I said smiling " I'm glad " Jack said " well tell me about yourself " Mrs. Gilinsky said " well what do you wanna know?" I asked back " tell me do you play any sports or anything you love to do " she smiled " I enjoy playing soccer dancing and volleyball " I said " wow those are a lot of sports ! Do you like Omaha so far? Jack told me you moved here around October" she smiled " yeah ! It's a beautiful place " I said the waiter came after and took our orders. I kept talking to jacks family they're so wonderful they made me feel welcomed. It was an enjoyable night.

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