Chapter 61

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*Vivian's POV*
Jack had thrown me over his shoulder we were probably walking home, "Jack put me down" I said as calm as I could I was fucking pissed probably beyond pissed, the way he acted at the restaurant pissed me off it was like he didn't wanna be seen or something, he didn't even give me a brief explanation "God damnit Vivian" he said throwing me in the back of the car "fuck you!" I yelled he got in the front I tried opening the door but it wouldn't open, I unlocked it and it still wouldn't open "God damnit Jack fucking let me go" I screamed "not until you fucking stop acting so childish" he yelled "I'm not acting childish! Your the one who completely freaked out like you didn't wanna be fucking seen with me!" I yelled back he stopped the car we were in front of his house he opened the door and gripped on me like never before "let me go" I screamed he threw me over his shoulder and walked into his house, no one was home I'm guessing we didn't walk upstairs I'm pretty sure we were in his basement he dropped me down on his couch "thank you" I said trying to leave again he gripped me and threw me on to the couch again "God damnit Vivian!" He yelled "can I explain to you or are you gunna run away like you always fucking do!" He yelled I can tell he was frustrated "what is there to explain! You didn't wanna be seen with me I get it!" I yelled back "don't fucking raise your fucking voice at me" I said also "that's not even why! Okay? It's not that, you wouldn't understand" he said "well how the fuck am I supposed to understand if you don't even tell!" I yelled "I'm going too if you fucking let me" he said "you got five minutes" I said sitting down "I saw an ex she was my best friend since kinder care which was when I was like 3 we didn't everything together it was always Jack, her and I. In middle school everything changed we dated till I was a freshman in high school, I lost my virginity to her, I was in love with her and I think I always will be, after she changed completely I didn't know who she was, she had completely changed on everyone, she was drinking she was smoking, I loved her a lot, she was like everything to me, I don't think I'll ever get over her, but I also love you, I reacted today cause I hadn't seen her in so long and I just couldn't bare to see her, I just, I didn't want to. She goes to a different school now, she moved, but I never really lost communication, that's when all the fuckboy shit started I couldn't get over her but then I realized I never really would she was that one person, but I found you now that makes me feel the same way she did" he finished my heart slowly broke, I loved Jack yes, but I didn't wanna be with him if he's still In love with some other chick that isn't me, he's in love with her he didn't want to be with me he loved her. "Say something" he said "I think I should go Jack" I said getting up "what? Why? Did I do something or say something?" Jack asked confused "Jack I think it's best if we just stop dating" I said looking down a few tears left my eyes "excuse me?" He said "didn't you hear me? I love you! Your the one I want to be with not her" he said "Jack no you don't! You only love me because I act so much like her, you love the idea of me being so much like her" I said crying at this point "no I don't Vivian-" "no Jack you said it your self, you'll never stop loving her, go find her Jack go be with her, I'm sure she wants you back too" I said trying to act tough and walked out of the basement running out of his house as fast as I could crying.

*Jack's POV*
I stood there shocked, I couldn't let this girl get away not again I ran after her "VIVIAN" I yelled she was crossing the street when I see a car come out of nowhere it stops right in front of her she screams and I see her body collapse "VIVIAN" I yelled running to her as I could too her "oh my god I'm so sorry" the driver said getting out of the car "Vivian c'mon" I said trying to make her react but nothing worked "do you want me to call 911?" She asked "Her Pulse is dropping" I said "please call 911" I said "c'mon Vivian" I said "please wake up!" I yelled shaking her, but nothing "God damnit!" I screamed I laid her against my knee I saw my hand had blood all over it "fuck" I muttered "they're on their way" she said "she's bleeding" I said "oh my god I'm so sorry" she said freaking out I looked at her she seemed in her mid 30's "it's okay" I said the ambulance came this guy ripped me from her and started saying all these terms I've never even heard before "which one of you is related to her?" One of the paramedics asked "I'm her boyfriend" I said "come with us" he said we got into the ambulance and left. I just hoped she was okay. I took her hand, god how the fuck does this happen to me. We got to the hospital they rushed her out "you will wait in the waiting room, we'll have a doctor come and fill you in on what's going on and fill some papers out for her , we need all the information we can" the paramedic said, I sat down and waited, I called her mom, I knew she must've been worried.

*few hours later*
It's been like forever since the doctor came and gave me papers to fill out, Vivian's mom came in about 2 hours ago with Bella of course, i was so nervous, it was taking so long. This was all my fault, if I hadn't over reacted this would've never happened God damnit, I'm so mad at myself, I'm so stupid. "Vivian Guevara" my head immediately snapped to the side the voice came from I stood up "come with me" he said Mrs.Guevara walked right behind me, we walked in the room she seemed so lifeless laying there "I'm so sorry" I rushed over her "We had to give her stitches on the back of her head, she did lose a lot of blood but thankfully that wasn't a problem, she has a few scratches and bruises but it's nothing to worry about, she has a mild concussion, but other than that she should be fine we'll prescribe her some pain medicine usually Advil should do it, but since we stitched her up in the back of the head, we'll prescribe them so it's more affective, but other then that call me when she wakes up, you press right her so I can come and check on her." He explained "alright thank you sir" I said "anytime" he said he smiled and walked out "how did this happen?" Mrs.Guevara spoke up "we were arguing and she wanted to brake up she ran out my door, I tried to stop her but before I knew it, the car had hit her. I'm so sorry I really am, I never meant for this to happen, I'll pay for all the medical bills cause I know this isn't going to be a dollar" I rushed my words out "no no jack it's okay, I understand, at least it wasn't as bad as I thought, I thought she could've died or something, but thankfully that didn't happen" she said she placed Bella on the couch, she was knocked out "c'mon sweetie wake up" Mrs. Guevara said to Vivian, but nothing.
I sat down next to Vivian's side hold her hand, it was so soft, I kissed it. Sometimes I wished I wasn't such a dumbass. By this time it was probably like 12 at night. I was exhausted. I ended up falling asleep.

Vivian's mom had woke me up a few minutes ago, she told me she was going to drop Bella off at Mallory's house since they've gotten closer to their family. She said she would be back as soon as possible and to call her if anything happened. So far Vivian has not moved one bit, she looked the same as she did before. I sighed, there was nothing to do except wait. I walked around the room hoping she'd wake up but nothing. I wish I wouldn't have been so stupid. I heard a moan making me snap out of my thoughts. I ran over to Vivian bed side "Vivian" I whispered "everything hurts" she cried "it's okay Baby nothing you'll get better soon I'm promise" I said kissing her forehead I called the doctor, he walked in "Hello Mrs.Guevara, I'm Dr. Forest, nice to meet you, so you have a mild concussion, you did get stitches on the back of your head, when you fell, you must've hit the ground pretty hard, but nothing to worry about, you might have headaches, vomit, you might get nausea, also ringing in your ears, you might feel dizzy or might as well "see stars" also you might be really confused or like a fog at times. But in two to three weeks you should be fine. But for this first week you won't be able to go back to school till it gets better. Also with the stitches it will make it worse, when you first take a shower cover it up we don't want it to get infected but clean it with alcohol wipes. I'm just gonna check your vision real quick and hearing." He explained "follow the light" he said shining a light into her eyes. She did as she was told, he grabbed this thing for the ear he slightly pulled on her ears. Once he was done he took another tool out and he touched her legs "can you feel that?" He asked "yes" Vivian said "alright you should be good to go Tomorrow, we're going to keep you over night just Incase anything happens, hopefully not but yeah, I'll be back later to check on you." He said smiling then he left. "Can I have water?" She asked "yeah" I said I put the straw in her mouth making sure she didn't move her head much. She sighed "where's my mom?" She asked "she went to mal's to drop Bella off" I said I grabbed her hand slightly "I'm sorry" I whispered "Jack I don't wanna talk about it ok? We're done, you belong with her, stop wasting your time on me." She said sighing and looking the other way "no I want to be with you" I said "what don't you understand?" "Jack no. Okay. No we can't be together." She said I saw a tear fall out of her eye "Vivian I-" "No Jack! Stop!" She said "I know it's hard but we can't, please stop, Jack please leave. Please" she whispered closing her eyes. I stood up and kissed her forehead and walked out the door. I walked out to my car I know it was gonna be hard to let her go but I couldn't either way. I had to fight for her. I had too. I wouldn't stop.

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