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Kim taetae and jeon koo were sitting in the park as koo pushed taetae's swing who giggled as his feet kicked the ground whenever the swing went to and fro.

After getting enough of the swings koo and taetae sat on the bench, hands intertwined as taetae kept his head on koo's shoulder

Koo was younger than taetae but it still felt as if taetae was more of the baby.

"Koo" the elder sang and koo hummed

"Ish hyungie cute?" taetae asked out of the blue. He loved being complimented by the other

"Hyungie ish sho cute that I could eat hyungie like ish cweam" koo said in a serious tone

Taetae giggled sweetly as he pinched koo's cheeks

"Taetae hyungie lovesh koo or not? " koo asked a bit worried if the answer would be no

"Taetae hyungie lovesh koo mole than ish cweam" taetae said as he pecked koo's cheek

Both giggled uncontrollably and played in the park as if there's no tomorrow

Although this is their hangout place, they'll never forget this place. Their hangout place.

Before getting dark, their mothers called them,  unwillingly they separated,  feeling sad to leave the other even for a second was hours in agony.

Still they were happy that they'll meet tomorrow.

That time they realized how much the other's presence mean to them.

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now