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Koo has grown so buff because of all the exercising he had been doing that he suddenly became that one popular guy in the high school.

His tainted abs, buff shoulders, hot body and those large biceps.

Girls were drooling on him. And he became the crush of every girl.

And to mention, taetae was the most affected by this change of him. In a good way.

He would practically drool whenever koo would pick up anything and his muscles would start showing off. He bet once he sees those abs, he is gonna faint.

The one thing that affects the both of them is, that they have stopped kissing but not because they don't think it's right but because they feel a weird tingling in their hearts whenever they touched each other's lips. They thought it's better not to kiss so that the tingling won't come back

But the blush always stays when the two have little skin ships, awkward moments and show each other's beautiful smile

Everyone knew about the "mean girl" lee ella and her crush, jeon jungkook

Koo was now in 11th and taetae in 12th.

To everyone he was jeon jungkook but to taehyung he was still his koo

Well if everyone knew about ella then obviously taetae does too.

Whenever she tries to come near koo his blood starts boiling but he laughs at her mentally when koo always shoo her off.

Well no one can blame koo, he just so involved with taetae that no one can enter their pretty bubble (of course except their friends).

Lunch bell had rung and koo and taetae were about to go to their private place when ella came to them

"Koo~" she said in her sickening tone

"Don't you ever call me that! Only taetae can call me that. I repeat. Only him" he growled at her who flinched at the tone as koo grabbed taetae's waist and pulled him closer to him. And taetae's blush couldn't hide. He was crimson but somehow he felt so nice about koo being so sweet

"But koo―jungkookie" she whined

And koo gagged.

"Get off of me bitch" koo said and taetae's eyes widened

It was first time koo was using profanities.

"Jungkookie, I like you" she said as she pouted, trying to be sweet.

"Eww, don't use that for me I am not gonna fall for that plus I don't like you. So the topic is over and if you ever come back again to me I swear I will rip of that ugly wig of yours. Do you get that! Now fuck off!" He yelled at her and she ran away crying

Taetae still looked at koo wide eyed



"Did I scare you?"


Koo hummed as he ruffled taetae's hair a bit and then they went back to have lunch as usual

That is when taetae realized that even if any other girl likes koo he won't ever leave him for them.


You know why?

Because he can't take the risk to

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now