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Taetae and koo finally reached at their home. They sighed in relief as they went inside their flat, well not because they are home but finally they can have sex as much as they want.

Being a bit patient, taetae went in the kitchen to prepare something for both of them as they hadn't eaten since morning.

He took some pasta out to prepare a brunch. He hummed to a song as he waited for the pasta to boil

Koo was quickly stripping his clothes in the room and laid on the bed as he waited for taetae to quickly jump on him so they could have sex but after few minutes when he felt no sign of taetae coming up, he frowned. He quickly put his bathrobe as he went downstairs to look for him.

His frown suppressed more when he saw taetae making some food for them

"Doesn't he get that, that the only thing I wanna eat is his ass?" Koo mumbled to himself as he went forward in the kitchen and grabbed taetae's waist and buried his face in his crook.

Taetae smiled as he felt the other's big arms hugging his smaller frame.

"Leave me koo, I am making us something to eat" taetae said as he stirred the pot

Koo frowned but replaced it with a smirk as he started littering hickeys on the other's neck, whose breath hitched at the sudden warmth

"K-koo, let me go" he somehow managed to say without his lips escaping any moan

Koo just hummed as he placed hickeys and sloppy kisses on his neck and gnawed at his ear.

His hand gently went under taetae's shirt as they rubbed and pinched the holder's nipples

"Gahh~" taetae couldn't control it anymore as he released a throaty moan

Koo laughed lowly as he still sucked on his neck and pinched his soft rosebuds. Taetae quickly turned the gas off so that they won't cause a fire in their beautiful home.

He turned around and koo quickly attached his lips with the older. The kiss was sweet yet passionate, koo sucked the older's tongue making him already hard. He licked his lips before he detached themselves but taetae quickly pulled him in again, so koo decided to palm his crotch through his pants. Taetae was releasing deep and throaty moans in the kiss. Gosh, the kiss was so hot that taetae couldn't control himself as he started grinding onto the other. Koo gripped his hips as he stopped the friction to happen.

He picked him up and placed him on the kitchen stand but taetae got down as he wanted to give a payback to what koo did yesterday. He bent down on his knees, near koo's hardened and twitching member and looked up at him ever so innocently as it made koo more hard and needy for him.

He slowly roamed his hands in upward direction as he loosened the knot of his bathrobe and opened it then gulped at the long member springing out of the cloth

He started pumping the crotch as he looked up at koo who had his head hung at the back, sweat forming on his skin, wetting his hair

Then he started whirling his tongue around the shaft as he pumped it and massaged his balls. Koo was slurping his drool back.

Taetae was being such a tease by not giving him what he wanted so easily. He gave kitten licks on the shaft but koo suddenly gripped his hair and shoved the full shaft in his mouth as taetae choked because of the sudden movement but regained his strength as he started bobbing his head to and fro. He picked up his pace as koo's tongue lolled out of his mouth. Taetae pumped his dick on the area where his mouth couldn't reach so he could give full pleasure to koo and he was totally getting it as he was groping his hair strands so tight as tears flooded in his eyes, the strawberry taste was filling his mouth (koo knows how much taetae likes strawberries so why not give it to him the other way round?)

When koo realized he was almost about to cum, he detached taetae out of his dick with a pop sound as he pecked his swollen lips before turning him that his back faced him as he pressed taetae onto the kitchen stand as he gripped the edge of the stand

He decided to prep him first as he took his pants and boxers of and then padded his hole with his thumb while staring beautifully at it.

"J-just do it al-already" taetae released with a breathy moan and koo was quick to put one finger in his right hole as taetae moaned as he rolled his eyes. He started to move his finger slowly, then picked his pace as taetae's grip tightened more on the kitchen stand and when he did so his engagement ring making a clanking sound and when he heard it, he smiled tiredly at it. Somehow koo noticed what was making the other smile, he was happy that he could make taetae smile like this. Even with a tired smile, he looks like an angel and in koo's eyes he is definitely the most beautiful one

"Gosh baby, you are so-so beautiful for koo" he praised as he scissored his hole

He then put another finger in and started scissoring while spanking his butt a few times before it turned red, taetae's tongue was lolling out of his mouth as he wanted to see the younger but he couldn't because of so much pleasure, he couldn't even move his body.

Koo removed his fingers and pumped his dick a few times before aligning it in front of his hole. He suddenly pushed it inside as taetae whimpered.

Koo kissed his back to soothe the pain a little, because he doesn't want his baby to be hurt

When taetae finally adjusted, he started to move his butt on his own as koo watched him beautifully, moaning unknown words for him as his skin, glazed with his own sweat.

"G-gosh, baby. So-so tight for me" he groaned as his dick moved with all the force it could inside his hole

Taetae was in pure bliss as his pace lowered and that was the time where koo took the things in his own hands as he grasped his hips and started to move rapidly not even slowing for a second for taetae to get okay with the pleasure he was getting.

His drool pooled around him as his grip on the kitchen stand released as he grabbed the top of the stand.

"OH MY GHAD! FUCK! YES! RIGHT THERE, LOVE! RIGHT THERE. HMMM" he screamed when the shaft hit the bundle of pleasuring nerves

He was seeing stars as people say, he was in another universe. The bliss was uncontrollable, he might pass out of extra pleasure. He came all over the kitchen stand, not even thinking once that they have to clean it up after that

Koo fastened his pace more as he tried to reach his own high as taetae let his sweaty head rest on the marbled kitchen stand as he let koo do his own work while he was receiving pleasure

"Ba-by, cumming!" He said as he released inside the condom he wore while coming down from the bedroom as he knew there would be a lot of fucking in the house.

Taetae rolled his eyes at the back of his socket as he could feel the warm liquid filling the condom.

Koo took his dick out of taetae as he moaned. He quickly pulled taetae in a sweet kiss and the other replied back with the same energy

"Love ya" he yelled as he knew koo was going only to bring a wet towel so he could clean the sweaty taetae

He knows he has got the bestest fiance of all as he smiled when he saw the other going back to bring the towel

He could never wish a perfect life better than this

He loves him so much that he cannot even Express it by words.

He knows that he'll also be the best dad in the world

He just wishes that life takes everything from him, except koo because he is his everything

He smiled as he rubbed the silver ring on his finger

He is soon to be married with the person he has loved all his life

Can life get any better?

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now