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Taetae and koo's mom have been shopping for no one knows how many hours. They've almost checked every corner of the city.

From jewellery shops to boutiques, everything.

After almost half and hour after the engagement ring incident, taetae and koo's mother found the perfect ring for koo. That's where taetae knew that koo's mother was the best shopping partner.

The ring was just as beautiful as koo. Taetae thought that it matched koo's personality really well. Though it wasn't custom made but the fact that taetae liked it was the only reason they decided to go with the ring. And it almost matched with the engagement ring taetae had

 And it almost matched with the engagement ring taetae had

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Taetae's ring

Taetae's ring

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Koo's ring

He smiled as he looked at his own ring and then the one in the black box. He can never imagine that he's marrying the love of his life so soon. It almost feels like the wedding's today, the bells echoing in his mind and the image of him seeing koo on the altar waiting for him, makes him emotional.

He wiped the tears from his eyes and smiling at koo's mother giving him emotional support

"The ring's beautiful, child. Kook's gon a love it." She smiled unintentionally

"I just can't wait to see him again" he was now fully sobbing as he said, in the middle of the shop but the shopkeepers know how it is to pick the wedding ring for your fiancé, so emotional

"Honey, let's go to the suit store and buy your wedding suit" koo's mother suggested and taetae squealed.

Finally, he feels like a groom.

"I am getting married, fucking finally!" He hooted as he got out of the shop

They both laughed as they went towards the suit shop. Trying every possible suit they could and finally taetae's eyes landed on the most gorgeous suit he has ever seen

"Oh! This one for sure!" He said as he picked it up and went inside the trial room

Few seconds later, he came out of the trial room, shyly.

Koo's mother looked up at him as she gasped, tears flooded in her eyes as she wiped them with her tissue. She came prepared

"It looks beautiful, honey. You look beautiful" she said crying loudly and seeing her crying, taetae also shed some tears.

"Koo's gonna become a cry baby seeing you like this" koo's mother laughed while she cried

Taetae smiled to himself, his nose red from all the crying. He just wanna see koo's reaction to it

He knows even if he'll wear old clothes koo would cry seeing him at the altar like that because he knows how truly and how madly koo loves him

And the thing that makes him more giddy is that he feels the same for him

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now