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"I have an idea, baby" koo said as he smiled a little

"What idea koo?" taetae asked curiously

"Why don't you go home?" koo suggested

Taetae was taken aback. Did koo just say he wants to send taetae home?

"You're telling me to go home, why?" taetae asked as he tilted his head

"I know you can't work this all yourself, baby, so you should rather go home where our parents will help you in the preparations"

"B-but what about you? I don't wanna leave, heck I can't stay without you for a minute" taetae said as he knitted his eyebrows

"I know baby, I can't stay without you either but it hurts more to see you this tired" koo said as he brushed away the hair on taetae's hair

"B-but—" he was cut off by koo

"No more buts, baby. You're going and that's my final choice" koo ordered

Taetae was still not agreeing with going to home without koo

"But you'll not be okay, you'll burn the house!" taetae said worry in his eyes

Koo pinched his ears as he whimpered in pain


"Owe, sorry, okay okay, leave me koo" and as soon as koo let his ear go he rubbed it as he punched koo's chest

"But how long would I have to stay without you, I can't stay without you for long"

"As soon as I'll get a job I'll come home" koo said as he pecked taetae's nose

Taetae sighed before giving in "Fine" he said as he rolled his eyes

"But before I go you'll have to pepper me with kisses, it's your punishment for sending me home" taetae poutedas he huffed and put his arms over his stomach, a frown on his face

"Sure and if this is a punishment then I'll dk anything to get a punishment like this" koo said as he pecked taetae continuously which made him giggle and the sadness, anger, stress all gone with the comforting wamrth of his lover

He's so glad that he's got such a caring boyfriend—

No wait, soon to be husband


Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now