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At midnight, koo wished taetae happy birthday and taetae couldn't contain his happiness. He almost forgot that he had his birthday today.

Everything went perfectly okay till evening. Koo sent him a bouquet of flower, chocolates and everything. When taetae asked him why didn't he come then he said that he'll meet him in the evening.

Time passed by and it's evening already. Koo is very nervous that if the plan doesn't go well he'll be very upset

Taetae got a letter from a mailman.

Come to the east gate forest, my love. Oh and wear any suit of your choice ;)


Taetae blushed at the letter, he was having butterflies in his stomach, thinking about what has koo planned

Until he reached the forest, it was dark, he was a bit scared but thinking that koo would be there his thoughts went away.

Finally he reached an area where there was lake and grassy land

He waited there thinking koo would be coming. It was fully dark now. He was scared but he trusts koo so he decided he'll stay for longer

Suddenly, the atmosphere lit up. He was confused as to where the light was coming from and when he looked up. The place was filled with fireflies. He was mesmerised by the beauty of the place. The light of the fireflies shining in his eyes. It was truly magical

Suddenly, he heard footsteps from behind

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Suddenly, he heard footsteps from behind. He turned his head to see the most magnificent and beautiful man standing there. Smiling at him

"Happy birthday taetae" he said as he opened his arms. Taetae was so overwhelmed that years were flowing from his eyes. He quickly ran towards him, the tear droplets falling on the lit ground as he ran. He quickly jumped in koo's arms as he cried loudly.

"Oh my God koo, this is so beautiful so-so beautiful" taetae cried more loudly now, thinking that it was all done by his man

Koo quickly placed him on the ground and taetae was quick to pull him in a kiss. They kissed until they had to part to breathe, unwillingly

They connected their foreheads as they smiled

"Koo, you didn't have to do this" he said tears still falling from his eyes

"Think of it as a payback for the iron man party you gave me when I was little" koo said as they both giggled

The atmosphere was lovely. Full of love. What's more to have when you have such a caring, handsome and perfect boyfriend by your side

Taetae can never ask for anything more

They disconnected their foreheads as they looked at each other's eyes so fondly that koo almost forgot that he had to do the final surprise

"Don't you wanna know your birthday surprise?" Koo asked

"Yes! I wanna know!" Taetae exclaimed as he jumped

Koo laughed. "Turn around" he said

Taetae quickly turned around as butterflies invaded in his stomach thinking what can be the surprise

Koo's heartbeat was beating so fast that he might have a mini heart attack. But if it's not today then it's never.

Well not never, he could have done it any random day

"Turn around baby" koo said and taetae slowly twirled around to see koo sitting on his knees, a black box in his hand with the silver band shining in the light of the fireflies and the same glow was there in koo's eyes

Tears were already flowing from taetae's eyes. He just wanted to hug the older and wear the ring but he knew he has to wait for him to say the lines

"Will you marry me, taetae hyungie?" Koo asked as he shyly looked at taetae

Taetae almost choked on his spit at the name. He hasn't heard it since that incident in the ice cream shop and hearing it now at this time, was even more overwhelming for him

He cupped his mouth with his hands as sobs came from his mouth and happy tears escaped from his eyes

Koo waited for taetae to take all his time and reply.

"Yes" taetae could only whisper because of the load of happiness he was receiving but koo was quick to hear it as he took his slender hand gently and placed a ring on it

Taetae was crying loudly now as he collapsed on the ground near koo, who had his own tears flowing out seeing taetae so happy.

"Happy birthday, my love" he said as he kissed him with all passion and love he had kept for this week, only for this kiss

"I cannot believe this is happening. But I love you" he cried but he finally believed this is true as the most beautiful person was sitting beside him, his hand in his' as he smiled at him

He knew it was all real.

He will finally get married to his childhood love, his first love

And his last love

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now