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"Hey baby. I miss you"

"Awwie~ i miss you too. What's happening? How's the wedding preparations going?"

"On notch! When you'll come, i really wanna show you something"

"Good news baby, I've found the job!!!" Taetae could hear koo's squeal from behind

"Oh my god! Fuck! Really?!" Taetae jumped on his bed as he squealed and giggled.

Koo laughed as he could imagine taetae yelling on the streets that his fiancé finally got a job and more on that he's coming home.

Koo let taetae settle from his excitement so he could ask dozens of questions

"What kind of job?" Taetae's jaw hurt because the smile on his face wasn't budging a bit

"You know I always wanted to become an architect. I went to this office one day and i really liked it there, so i accepted it"

"Omg, i am so happy for you" taetae sniffled his tears back

"I knew it already" taetae could feel the warmthness of koo's smile from there

"Everything on the side, when are you coming home?" Taetae asked eagerly

"Tomorrow, i need to pack my suitcase"

"Okay, i can't wait to see you after a week"

Me too baby, me too"

"Anyways, gotta go. Mom is screaming" taetae said as koo laughed.

"Mkay, see you tomorrow. Love ya"

"Love you too" taetae smiled as he ended the call.

He is so eager to see his boyfriend back home and kiss the death out of him.

His heart also flutters when he thinks about koo reacting to his blonde hair

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now