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After the birthday party, they had to leave, because college would be starting from day after tomorrow and they didn't even have birthday sex because they were in their parents' house.

They did not want to leave so early, they just got engaged and being with their family was the most happiest thing they had after that. They wanted to stay and cherish it with them but alas they can't stay. It's important for them to study.

Their parents cried as they were leaving, they wanted to stay with them for a longer time so they could fully enjoy their engagement happiness

But they know they can't make them stay. With a heavy heart they sent them back to Seoul.

Through all the journey taetae just contemplated at his shiny silver ring, carved with the name "koo's". Then suddenly he remembered that before this they used to wear couple rings which were gifted by him to koo

As koo was driving he asked him

"Koo, you remember I gave you couple rings as a birthday gift. Do you still have it?" He asked as he fiddled with his own ring

"Ahh, yes. I remember. I don't wear it because it doesn't fit my finger but I still have it with me" koo said as he drove.

"I have it too" taetae said as he smiled at koo an then again looked at his ring while koo laughed

"Are you gonna stare at it for ever?" He said as he laughed

"It feels so unreal, you don't know how happy I am and how excited. It already feels like we are marrying. Whenever I look at this, I get reminded of that night and I feel so giddy when I remember it. It was one of my most favorite and most happiest birthday ever. I can never forget what you did for me. It feels like when I look at this ring, I look at you and that is what I wanna do forever" he said as he pecked koo's cheeks

"Look at you, already hyped up for the wedding" he said as he kissed him on the lips quickly while taetae blushed

"E-eyes on the road, prickhead" taetae scolded as he blushed while koo laughed at his cuteness

He made sure to give thousands of ring like these to taetae, if that remind taetae of him. He'll give him everything he wants

But taetae already told him many times

That he wants nothing but koo.

Because he is his everything

And it's the same with koo

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now