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Play the song for some action ;)

Taetae yelped as he was picked by koo, bridal style and smirked

"Let's make some babies, babyboy" koo said as he started walking towards the resort, their eyes locked with each other's.

"You know, I've been waiting for this time, since i saw you with that pretty ass walking down the aisle" he said as he smacked his ass while taetae released a small moan

Taetae decided to tease him too as he bent forward towards his ear, his breath fanning over his ear as koo shivered

"Fuck me so hard, that i remember this one for years. Fill me with your cum, i wanna be the dad of your babies" he whispered sexily in his ear and koo's breath hitched by the low octave of taetae's voice

He looked at him with black and hooded eyes.

"Can't wait to do that" he said and soon they reached the private resort

"You can moan ever so loudly with that sweet voice of yours. Today, it's just us and no one" koo said as he placed taetae on the floor

Taetae arched an eyebrow as he smirked

"Now be a goodboy and pleasure your hyung" taetae said as he started to unbutton koo's shirt

"Let me a bad boy, hyung" koo said


"They say all good boys go to heaven

But bad boys bring heaven to you" he said as he gripped taetae's hair and pulled it down to kiss taetae.

Today, he didn't need to do anything to make taetae open his mouth, his tongue wad already exploring the deepest part of taetae's mouth

The kiss was passionate, hot yet still sweet

They walked inside the room, not leaving the kiss full of tongues

Koo cupped taetae's cheeks in an attempt to bring him more close, if possible

Later, he started to travel one hand down, near taetae's hardened crotch and started to rub it through the tight cloth as taetae's breath got heavier

They unwillingly had to detach their lips, for breath as they looked at each other with lust filled eyes, more darker than ever before

Koo pushed taetae down on the bed and eye fucked him. He started to take his shirt ever so slowly for taetae to have a show of his own as taetae smirked and watched his husband's body with pure impatience and eagerness

He took his pants, leaving him in his boxers and a hard rock

Taetae released a groggy laugh

"It's bigger than before"

"Maybe you haven't seen it without condom" he smirked as he took the last piece of clothing out and his member sprung free.

"W-woah, k-koo it won't fit raw" taetae scoffed

"Don't be scared, hyung. I'll make sure you get the best of it" he said as he pecked his lips.

He started to take his husband's clothing, touching him over his sensual parts, giving him tingling pleasures and a huge amount of eagerness

Taetae was fully naked too. His body glistening with sweat, swollen lips and soon his milky skin would be filled with purple hickeys

He started to palm taetae's dick and taetae bit his lip and closed his eyes at the pleasure while gripping the sheets

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now