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It's just two weeks before his due date and he's being extra careful to walk, move or doing anything

He was sitting on his bed going through his phone when he felt a shooting pain in his lower abdomen.

He shut his eyes in pain but opened them. He looked at the bedsheets which were wet

"Ah shit! My water broke!"

Another pain and he screamed

"JUNGKOOK!!!" He screamed as the said man who was cooking soup for his husband dropped everything he was doing and ran upstairs

"Wh-what happened?" He panicked seeing taetae holding his baby bump and panting hard while the bedsheets were wet.

I think koo's gonna die now

"KOO, MY WATER BROKE!!!" Taetae screamed as koo panicked more as he rushed to taetae

"What-what should I d-do?!" He asked panicking

"CALL THE DOCTOR—AHH—YOU BITCH!" Taetae screamed as koo furiously nodded before taking out his phone with shaky hands and called jin

"Jin—water—broke—come—fast" he couldn't speak the sentence properly

"AHH YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER, PUT IT ON SPEAKER!!" Taetae yelled as koo did so


"Oh no, it's early we'll have to do it at home" jin said


Koo took his hands in his and looked at him

"Baby take deep breaths" he said and taetae started doing so but crying at the pain

"Pull it through, I am here. I am here" koo said trying to calm him down

"Koo!!!!!!" He shrieked

"It's okay jin is coming" koo said more to himself


The door burst open as jin ran upstairs and pushed koo away

"You need to stay out" he said and closed the door

Koo bit his lip as he went downstairs where the whole family was sitting biting nails in nervousness


Koo paced back and forth, he hasn't sat down, he hasn't eaten anything, he just wants to go and see his husband. He panicked so much when he heard taetae's screams and cries he just wanted to hug his baby.

The door above creaked open and he quickly rushed upstairs, almost tripping on the stairs

He panted as he stood in front of jin, his heart beating so fast, like a train

"H-how did it go?" He asked nervously before jin smiled

"Congratulations, jeon jungkook. You've become a father. It's one girl and one boy" jin said as koo fell on the floor, crying like a baby.

But then he quickly rushed inside to see taetae smiling tiredly, sweat on his forehead as he held two babies in his hand and looked at koo

"Look, miri and taegguk, it's father" he said and that was enough for koo to break down again

"Oh my God", he cried

"Come here, hold your children" taetae said softly as koo nervously went towards him

"Is it okay if I hold them, what if I hurt them? What if they start crying? What if—"

"Koo" taetae smiled as koo took a deep breath and held taegguk in his hands

He slipped fat tears as he looked fondly at his baby. What his child did next was so heart melting

Taegguk touched the bridge of koo's nose with his small hands and smiled.

"Did you see that taehyung? He likes me!" Koo exclaimed

"He looks like you" taetae smiled

Koo stepped closer and sat down beside taetae before connecting their foreheads and smiling, their babies in their hands as they looked at their parents fondly


Taetae's mother smiled as she looked at the picture

"Picture perfect"

That's how taetae and koo's life was, now with taegguk and miri.



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Meet you next time


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