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The door opened as koo in an overcoat came in.

"Bab―WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" He yelled so loud that the whole neighborhood might have heard him and taetae also flinched a bit at the sound.

Koo wasn't in a healthy mental state right now so he let his weight fall over the open door.

He was still in shock, eyes wide for so long that they might have gone dry, mouth fell ajar and obviously...dick twitching at the horny sight

Taetae's plump butt in the air, the pink panty matching the contrasting white flesh, his slender hands tied behind him in sexy furry handcuffs, his face in the pillow.

Everything was too much for koo. He just wanted to cuddle and kiss his baby but his baby was planning something else.

And god he would lie if he said he didn't like it.

He finally gained his consciousness as he licked his lips seductively as he stared at his boyfriend ever so sensually

He closed the door and locked it, he then took off his coat and it ended lifelessly on the floor, he moved his tie to loosen it, his stare not leaving taetae's body as he eye fucked him

He went over to him and hovered over the already hard taetae. His clothed dick touched his lace panty covered ass as taetae arched his back sexily

"What are your plans, babyboy" koo said in a low octave and ever so sexually that taetae moaned from that

He grabbed his hair roughly yet gently, giving him the exact pleasure from that as taetae closed his eyes and bit his lower lip

Seriously, koo was attached to brunette taetse but blonde taetae was some new feels. God he's so horny that he can even imagine fucking him so hard that he

"What happened to my innocent brunette, hm?" He asked as he sloppily kissed taetae's earlobe who was breathing heavily because of the intense touch. Taetae was feeling so bad that he went into this trouble, I mean not that he didn't want koo to fuck him so hard but because of those handcuffs he couldn't touch koo.

"Koo, c―an you just open these?" He said breathily

"Why? Wanna touch me?" Koo teased as he sexily searched taetae's body with his hands and taetae started to tear up with the thought that he wasn't touching his lover

"Ko-koo, pleah―se. I wanna touch you, feel you, make love with you" taetae said desperately

Koo was a bit taken aback by taetae being so needy. Not that he didn't like it, but fuck that turned him on more

"You're gonna feel me baby―" he nipped on his earlobe as he whispered lustly

"―inside you―" he then worked his mouth over the other's soft jawline as the other was shamelessly moaning

"―fucking you so hard" he completed his sentence and in a second taetae was pinned over on the bed, koo hungrily kissing the death out of him, and not that taetae was complaining

Koo wanted to touch every corner, every side, every place of his mouth, the sweet taste filling his mouth that he has missed for two fucking weeks

He's gonna kiss him so hard, so hard that his lips will know that who they belong to, even though those are taetae's lips, it looks like he's the one possessing them

He sucked and pulled his tongue as taetae curled his toes in ecstasy. God how much he missed the other filling him up with his taste.

They pulled apart unwillingly to catch breath as the only thing connecting them was the wet string of saliva as they looked at each other so lovingly, so fondly.

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now