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Miri adjusted the camera as she called taegguk for their daily cam diary.

"So hello guys, this is miri and taegguk. I am actually kind of happy today. A week ago, taegguk and I turned 10" she smiled

"Appa and daddy were so happy, but as soon as they thought we slept, they started to do the dirty" taegguk said as he made a disgusted face

"I am happy with miri, I don't want another brother or sister" he said concerned

"But I thought appa and Dad were already planning on that" miri said as a matter of fact and taegguk sighed

"But to be honest, I love seeing appa and Dad so in love. I also love their childhood stories of how they got in love" miri smiled

"Miri remember that day when Dad took the three of us to a car ride?" Taegguk exclaimed

"I know it was the best trip ever. Appa even made kimchi and Dad bought us cotton candy and teddy bears!" Miri exclaimed

"Then we also went to the carnival where appa got lost and cried then Dad comforted him" taegguk laughed

"Ahh~ I can never expect for a more perfect family" miri smiled

"Miri! Taegguk! Let's go! Aunt mijin is waiting for us in the ice cream shop!" Taetae shouted.

"Coming appa!" They both yelled back

"Okay guys, we'll have to go but after we get back from the Sunday ice cream day, we'll edit the diary" taegguk smiled as he closed the camera after saving the diary entry

They ran downstairs seeing their appa and dad holding hands while smiling and they returned the smile as they ran towards them.

Taetae picked miri and koo picked taegguk as the four of them laughed

"You've got so heavy, champ" koo fist bumped his son

"I wanna be strong like dad" taegguk smiled as he showed his muscles while koo laughed

"Appa, when is granny coming? I wanna eat chicken wings with her!" Miri said

"Gosh, your granny and her chicken wings" taetae rolled his eyes before laughing

The four of them laughed before taetae locked his eyes with koo

They still love each other as they did for ever

Taetae smiled before pecking koo's lips

"Shall we go, baby?" Koo asked as he took taetae's hand in his while taetae smiled

"Yes, hubby" he said as they all got out of the house, going towards their Sunday ice cream date

It's like, loving felt so beautiful when taetae loved koo

And for koo, even if he does, he just wishes that in the next seven life of his, he gets to marry his soulmate, his best friend and his life companion

His lover

Real end

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now