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Taetae is three and koo is two

Koo was nervous as he held taetae's hand tightly

"It's gonna be okay koo" taetae pecked koo's lips and it did lessen his nervousness

"Hyungie? What if no one likes me?" He asked

"Everyone will like koo because koo is so sweet" taetae said smiling

"Hyungie i wished you were in my class" koo sighed sadly

"Aww koo, i am sad too" taetae pouted and koo kissed it back to a smile

Both got out of the bus and taetae quickly held koo's hand and intertwined his grubby hands with his small ones

"I'll meet you at the lunch koo" taetae said as a few tears formed in his eyes. It was so sad to leave koo

"Hyungie I'll be waiting for you" koo said and the last time they pecked each other and parted their ways for their own classroom

Koo panicked at seeing so many students but tried to be calm for taetae

As taetae promised him that he would give him lots of kisses later. And who is koo not to agree to that.

The rest of the day went pretty calm and koo surely made new friends.

After their classes were over, it was time for his favorite time.

Lunch time

Not because he'll get to eat food but because he'll get to meet taetae.

God how much he missed him at the class hours

He's gonna share his every moment with taetae

As taetae came inside the playground, he looked for his most favorite person and when he spotted him he dropped everything he held and ran to hug him

"KOO!" He yelled and the other snapped his head at the speed of light and when he noticed taetae running towards him he widely opened his small arms for taetae to enter

They hugged as they giggled uncontrollably

They ditched everyone and sat beside a tree, only the two of them as they shared the day with each other

That day taetae and koo realized how much they need to share every single moment of their life with the other

And if they don't.......

The other would forcefully make them.

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now