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Taetae and jungri are sitting in the café having their lemon berry dream cakes.

"So are you gonna show kook a picture of your new hair?" she asked as she took a bite of the deliciousness

"I am actually planning it as a surprise for him" the now blonde haired stated

"He'll have a heart attack, I bet" she laughed

"Mom, koo has done so much for me and I didn't even get a chance to pay him back, so on our wedding day, I want to give him a surprise" taetae said sipping his lemonade

"But hunny, you've already done so much for him plus this new look would be the best surprise for him"

"No, I wanna do something more great, something special"

"I don't have any idea in particular"

"Oh, but I do. We'll also start preparing for it" taetae squealed, being so excited to put the surprise plan in work


They came home and taetae's mother was about to scold him for bickering with her in the shop but when she saw her son, no words came out

"Are you the brown haired guy, I passed from my vagina?" she said as her jaw fell

"Yes but mom!" taetae whined

"No you look pretty honey, it's just that you look so hot. Finally, I can believe that you are my son" she sighed happily as she flicked her hair

"I somehow expected this kind of thing" taetae frowned and sighed

"I wonder what will koo say about this" taetae said as he dialled his number but not to tell him that he dyed his hair. He wants to keep it a surprise and see the reaction on koo's face when he sees him with blonde hair.

Just the thought of it makes him smile

"Oh you don't know, honey. When he sees you like that

You're wrecked"

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now