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A time comes where you go in a search to find the real you.

Where you fight with your inner soul and the voice in your head.

This is the time where koo realizes he is not so same like the people in his class. He doesn't like to hit on girls, he doesn't get the special feeling around them, he doesn't get boners when they are around.

He is finding out his sexuality

Even though he knew he had liking towards boys (well only taetae) but coming out was a big decision.

Koo is no longer koo for everyone (except taetae), it's jungkook.

Jungkook hesitantly walked towards his mother, who was working in the kitchen

"M-mom" he called

"Yes honey?" She asked, busy doing her work

"Mom can I talk to you for a second, it's serious"

"Sure bun"

Jungkook sat on the sofa and rubbed his sweaty hands against his sweatpants

"Yes honey, what ya wanna talk 'bout?" His mom asked as she sat down at the couch sipping her coffee

"Mom there's something about me you need to know"

"What bun?"

"Mom.....I am gay"

"Oh okay" she said as if it was the easiest thing to say and sipped her coffee

Jungkook's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that his mom is thinking that he is joking

"Mom I am not joking!" He said trying to make a point

"I know babe, I know you are gay and I know you like tae honey" she said as she placed a hand on kook's thigh

"I never said I like taetae" jungkook mumbled but still a blush spread around his face.

"Baby, some things if aren't told can be guessed"

"Honey, I know you'll have to face many problems in the future but know one thing, around all these problems there will be the ones standing for you, to support you, to help you stand if you fall, to love you back. I don't care if you are gay I just know that you are my son and that's all that matters to me. Plus it would be better to bring a dick home rather than bringing a soggy vagina in our house" she laughed at the end

Jungkook couldn't be more glad. He never says but he loves his mom so much

"I love you mom"

"I know son and I love you too"

"What about dad?"

"He knows too and he can't be more happy"

Jungkook couldn't hold his smile inside. He is so grateful to god that he has such supporting parents

That's the time he realized that whatever happens his family will stay beside him

As long as he needs them

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now