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Koo almost tripped while running back home, clutching the plastic bag in his hands tight while his heart was beating fast, not because of running but because of what could happen.

He burst the door open and looked for taetae to find him pacing back and forth in the living room

"Did you bring it?"

"Here" koo gave him with shaky hands and taetae took it with nervousness bubbling in his stomach

He turned around but was pulled in a quick back hug by his husband

"Baby, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side" he said as he inhaled taetae's calming scent to calm himself

"I love you" taetae said and koo replied with an I love you too

Taetae got inside the bathroom and did as it was instructed in the packet.

He looked at it for a very long time. Not believing how can it be possible

Tears filled in his eyes as he got out of the bathroom slowly

Koo was sitting on the couch and tapping his foot impatiently and when he heard the door open he quickly rushed towards it

"Wh-what happened?" He asked as he bit his lip

Taetae started to cry while putting his face over koo's chest

Koo felt a pang in his heart. Tears started filling his eyes

"It's okay baby, it's okay, we'll try again. I am still here for you" koo said his tears rolling down his face

He had made so many plans to welcome the baby, he had even planned what he would do as a father but all will go in vain

His heart had shattered but he would stay strong for his husband. He knows that even if the baby wasn't there, koo could feel that how pretty it would have looked

Alas, they're not having—

"No you silly, I am pregnant!" Taetae exclaimed as he cried more with a smile on his face

Koo was shocked as his mouth flung  open.

Gosh, how silly he was to think so negative

He smiled widely, the smile he had when he married taetae

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!" He picked taetae up as he giggled and twirled him around while taetae laughed

"Oh my God, you don't know how happy you've made me!" Koo said happy tears flowing down his face

"I am gonna be a father" he reminded himself as he grinned thinking of doing the things he had planned to do for his daughter/ son.

He placed taetae down and pulled him by the waist to kiss him, they both smiled in the kiss, even tasting the salty water of their eyes but the happiness in them turned everything bland.

They are gonna be parents and they can't be happy anymore

But first they need to tell their parents

Taetae called his mother, while koo called his


"Wassup yo bitch!" She cheered up

"Mom, I have to tell you something important"

"What? You shoved whipped cream down your ass? Bro, that's an achievement!" His mother laughed as he rolled his eyes

"Can you shut up for a second and hear me?"


"I am....."

"Shall I do the drumroll"


"I am not telling you now" taetae huffed

"Sorry" she said nonchalantly

"Mom, I am pregnant" he cheered


"Yes Mom, I am pregnant!" As he said that he could hear cheers and cries from the phone as he laughed, tears already filling his eyes

"Oh my God honey, you don't know how happy you've made us!" She cried

"We'll be coming to your house soon" she said


"Honey, I love you" she cried

"I love you too Mom" he smiled

"Okay, I'll be packing now, I need to come at your house asap" she said and ended the call while taetae chuckled

As he placed his phone on the table, koo came and hugged him

"Talked to Mom?" Taetae asked

"Yeah, she was so happy she cried and she told me that your mom just called her and then they all are coming here" koo smiled and taetae hummed

"Hyungie, I'll be a great father to your babies" he said as he turned taetae towards him and bent down, pulled his shirt up and kissed his stomach as taetae blushed

"I know that, but till the time I give birth, you have to be my slave" taetae chuckled

"At your service, your highness" koo said as he bowed to a giggling Taetae

"Get up, slave" taetae ordered as koo did so

"Now kiss your highness" taetae ordered as koo pulled him and picked him up before kissing him, both smiling in the kiss

"I love you, koo"

"I love you and your baby, dear",

"Ours" taetae smiled before connecting their foreheads

"Ours" koo repeated as he smiled

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