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After the bachelor party drama, chim was mad at taetae for going back home without even telling, but not like he did not know.

He just wanted his best friend to apologize Because he did that. And taetae did apologize and took chim to a relaxing spa session, then they both went to a cafe and taetae repeatedly saying sorry for his doings to chim and after seeing how much the younger is sorry, he finally accepted his apology with a hug, and not that he can stay without his best friend for a minute

So, his wedding is basically in three days and being excited is the first thing at his wedding list

"Did you tell kook that you are coming here?" chim asked as he sipped his soothing beverage

"I did leave a note because I didn't want to wake him up" taetae told him as he smiled cheekily.

"Cute" he smiled as taetae blushed

And the rest of the afternoon went spectacularly nice. Going to the beautician, having facial, buyimg few wedding stuff, bubbled up in their own zen time, oblivious to the person who's dying at home, thinking that the other who is excitingly shopping for the wedding has left him for forever.

It's early evening and taetae thinks that now he should go home because he really misses his koo and just cuddle with him before the wedding happens and they are husbands rather than boyfriends.

He dropped chim at his home and after bidding him good bye, he drove away for his home.

Happily walking towards koo's house, thinking the other would welcome him with a warm hug and a sweet angry pout for not being with him in the morning time as usual.

He opened the door to see darkness spread around the before beautiful lit room. He tilted his head in confusion when there was no sign of his fiance coming to hug the death out of him, assuming that the other might have gone out for a short walk, he switched the light on and was met with the most horrible, unimaginable, heart shattering, broken sight, he never wanted to see in his entire life.

His fiancé lying on the floor, near what he thinks are shards of plate, looking lifeless, tears flowing down his face as he seemingly stared at the door. It took the life out of taetae and he knew nothing but the fact that his fiancé went through something bad which made him so.....broken

"Koo! Omg!" He quickly ran to hold his lover in his arms, to tell him he's here, to tell him that it will be fine, even if he doesn't know the reason

He gently placed the boy's head in his lap, ignoring the sharp pieces of the plate pricking his legs, because he just cares of the boy he's holding to.

"Koo, what happened, love. My precious, why are you so sad? Wouldn't you tell your baby, hm?" Taetae said in a sweet voice trying to swallow his tears but of no use, seeing his boyfriend like this made him really weak and he just wishes that this never happens to him ever again. Not to him, not to koo

Koo just adjusted in his soft lap, thinking how can the other be here for him when he has left, it looks like a dream to him, the one from which he never wants to wake up.

"Are you real?" He asked in a groggy voice, which seemed to appear because of all the salt water he has shed through his eyes

"Of course, love. I am. But wouldn't you tell your baby what happened?" Taetae said in a soft tone while running his hand through the other's soft black locks making him cry even more, but he wants to stay strong for his man, to make him believe that he isn't alone and lonely

Koo couldn't believe his ears, he jolted upwards and caught the blondie in his hug, a tight one, thinking that if he'll let loose, the other might disappear.

As if

He started wailing loudly as he hugged the other and kissed his face everywhere, the latter being confused of the sudden attraction, not even complaining though

"Oh my god" he kept repeating it like a chant as he hugged and kissed his baby. Taetae let him do whatever he was doing because if that let's him be calm, he will do it.

Finally koo loosened his hug but still denying to leave him

"Precious, what happened?" Taetae started with those sweet nicknames which always calms koo. Koo was still sniffling, the tears flowing down his eyes when he was filled with the familiar rosy scent of taetae. He is embarrassed to let taetae see him so broken but what can he even do? Would you survive if you thought that your lover has left three days before the wedding? No, right?

"I-i....thought that you...left me" he said sniffling the mucus back and taetae was taken aback by the sudden confession

"Are you silly, precious? Why would i leave you?" He said making soothing circles at the back of his waist

"Be-because you left without telling me"

"Oh, dear" he said with such sweetness in his voice that made koo wanna marry him even more

"I did leave a note, didn't you see?" He said as koo detached himself from taetae and looked at him with confusion while wiping his stopped tears with the back of his hand, and gosh he looked so cute that it made taetae chuckle sweetly

"I didn't see it"

"So you would assume that i would leave you?" He arched his eyebrow and koo shyly fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed of himself for acting so childish that he even almost shouted at his mother

"Aww, precious. I didn't start loving you to leave you" taetae said as he gently carassed his cheek

"I.......i am sorry" he said as he looked at taetae with guilt in his eyes

"It's okay, precious. It's my fault too, I should have been more informative" he smiled sadly at him

They both decided to leave this here, this weird day at the bay. Now, koo knows how taetae leaving him would taste like, and the taste would be so bitter that he'll choke and die with it

Don't get him wrong, he trusts him, he knows that he won't leave him and even if he would, he will always come back to him but not seeing him in the morning, wrapped up in his arms is so  frustrating and depressive that he can't even imagine letting him go.

But at the end of the day, it's always the same, the two bodies wrapped up together after a good and nice sex, holding each other as close as possible and sharing sweet talks and bad jokes with each other

Sometimes, things like these makes you fall in love with your lover more, trust them more. And it's the same for these two.

It's been a bad day, but they've learnt their lesson at it's end. That even if the world collides, the other can't leave him.

And whatever, in the end they are together

And that's what matters to them the most.

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