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Taetae was standing at the doorstep, his legs weren't forcing him to leave the place as if they were frozen at the same spot. Koo gave him an assuring side hug as he opened the door for him. Taetae still gave him a denying look

"Come on baby, it'll be fine" koo sighed for the nth time. Taetae has been clinging onto him like a koala since the morning, not wanting to leave him. Koo would miss him too but he has to leave for the job hunt

He also promised taetae that as soon as he would get a job, he would come home but the other is being a koala

"B-but I don't wanna go without you" he said in a cute voice as he thought it would influence koo, well it would have if sending the other wasn't that much necessary

"Baby you know I'll miss you a lot too but we can't keep hanging here and cuddling each other, you need to prepare for our wedding and i need to look for a job" koo tried to explain to taetae

"But keep your promise, pepper me with kisses" taetae ordered to him cutely

Koo giggled and if that's what makes him go home then he would pepper him with thousands of kisses

He cupped his face as he pecked his forehead, hie eyes, his nose, his cheeks and lastly his lips

Taetae lightened up a bit as he decided that he will go home, with a heavy heart but for his love, he'll move mountains so this isn't even close to it

Taetae picked his suitcase as he got out of the door. Both had their eyes filled with tears.

Taetae ran towards koo and jumped in his arms to hug him for the last time

"I-i'll miss you" he said as he sniffled his tears back.

Koo gently rubbed circles on his back as he smiled sadly

"I'll miss you too baby" he said as he let go off taetae who picked his suitcase and went over the taxi, his eyes not leaving koo's.

He closed the door and waved him and gave him flying kisses out of the window

He hasn't even gone home and he's already missing koo.

He just wishes koo gets his job and come home so they could plan the wedding together.

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now