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The wedding day is tomorrow and taetae is excited―more than excited,― hella excited to marry the love of his life. Koo is excited too.

Currently, they can't see each other because taetae said that it would be a portent to see each other before the wedding.

Their wedding location is a beautiful garden, just like the one they've always wanted to marry in. Taetae is currently at his best friend's home, hobi is there too. They're having their best friend time together

It's late evening right now and hobi, chim and taetae are sitting on the rug, playing some fun games

"Okay, so let's ask you some questions" chim said to taetae and taetae agreed

"You remember that list we made when we were drunk before we graduated and you told me that you love kook ?" Chim asked as taetae nodded.

"When are you going to show him that?"

"Umm....i never thought about that and practically it's weird to do that because it had so manh weird confessions and wishes inside it" taetae blushed. He doesn't want koo to see his weird liking for him

"Oh come on, it would be fun" chim whined

"I'll show it to him after the wedding when we'll be opening presents" and chim nodded

"So~ is the after wedding surprise you planned ready?" Hobi asked

"More than ready, i am just nervous if koo would like it or not"

"Why wouldn't he like it? He would love it because you did it and if anything involves you, then he loves it. Ya boi seriously got some issues" chim sighed as he giggled

"We are so excited for your wedding" Chim smiled as taetae hugged him ever so tightly

"I know, i am excited too, nervousness is bubbling inside my chest" taetae said and even thinking about the day  tomorrow his heart flutters wildly

The night was spent by the trio, dancing on girly kpop songs, the pyjama party, troubling the neighbours by fake moaning loudly, trying absurd foods like pickle with peanut butter, ice cream with ketchup, it sucked and they had no option but to go outside to the midnight supermarket and buy snacks to eat, watching horror movies, everything you wish to do with your best friends and everything getting ticked on taetae's bucket list

He is glad that he got such amazing friends.

Meanwhile, in the joon house, koo, jin, joonie, and yoongi are playing truth and dare

"Run away from the wedding tomorrow just after tae comes" yoongi stated with that bored sound of his but it turned into a loud shrill when koo hit him with his slipper

"Shut your mouth. You ain't my brother anymore" he rolled his eyes as they continued the game

"Bro for which part of tomorrow are you excited the most?" Joonie asked as koo smiled

"Basically the part when i see him in that pretty wedding suit, holding the bouquet, walking down the aisle, coming towards me, sharing the ring ceremony, kissing me with his beautiful lips, the slow couple dance, the reception, the goodbyes and yeah, lastly the wedding sex" koo said

"TMI, so basically you are excited for every part of this wedding" namjoon rolled his eyes

"Yeah, if you wanna think like that you can" koo shrugged and namjoon made a "seriously?" Face

Their night went pretty fun too, roaming around the streets like those mafias, getting kicked out of walmart.

And by that, i mean seriously.

The four went inside the walmart and took separate carts. So, basically it was a challenge that whoever gets the most humiliated response would win the challenge.

And they're on it.

First is yoongi, he was roaming in the laundry section where he found an old man silently searching through the detergents

He went over to the grandpa and tapped him as he sweetly smiled at yoongi

"What happened dear son?" He asked softly and yoongi smiled before reaching for the older's ear.

He inhaled a deep breath before―

"GRANDPA!!! YOU ARE ALIVE!!! IT'S A MIRCALE!!!!" He yelled in his ears and the man yelled at the top of his lungs because of the sudden yelling.

Soon, the security came and took yoongi out of the mart as the other three laughed at him and showed him a thumbs up

Now, it's namjoon's turn. He was wandering around the superhero section where he found a batman costume. He smirked before taking the costume and going to the dressing room. He came out wearing the dress. He cleared his throat as he grabbed the cape of the costume and started running around the mart yelling "COME ROBIN!!! TO THE BATMOBILE!!" He yelled repeatedly before grabbing a toddler cycle and sitting on it, paddling it around the mart and screaming weirdly, the few kids getting scared of the weird man as they cried and ran towards their moms. Soon namjoon was also kicked out of the mart for "violating" the rules

It's jin's turn now, he went in the clothing section and after looking left and right, he quickly hid inside the clothes waiting for someone to come. After a few moments, a man came looking through the clothes and to his misfortune when he opened the section where jin was, jin bolted upwards, coming out of the area and pouncing on the man who was beyond shocked

"AHAHAHA!!!!PEEKABOO!!!AHAHHAHAHAHA"He yelled and the man burst on the floor in a panic attack. To say, jin felt a bit sad for the man but he couldn't help but laugh when he was thrown out of the mart

Lastly, it's koo. He had already prepared what he was gonna do. He went up to the clerk with a sad and panicked face.

"Sir, i lost my child can you help me find him" he said fake crying

"Oh okay, what's his name?" He asked

"Leesuckmadick" he wailed as he sniffed

"Okay okay, calm down. I'll call in the speaker" the clerk said

"Leesuckmadick, wherever you are come to your dad, he's finding you" he yelled in the speaker

"Leesuckmadick―wait?" The clerk dangerously turned towards koo as koo smiled at him

And what would have you expected, he was thrown out of the mart.

The four united and laughed the hell out of themselves.

They all had fun that night and the two's friends tried to keep them happy because they know that tomorrow they'll need their shoulders to cry on

And they would gladly support them

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now