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Taetae got ready for the bachelor's party. He was still nervous to go without telling it to koo because he has never kept anything from koo

"You're going somewhere?" Koo asked as he got out of the bathroom, wet face as he saw taetae getting ready

"Oh-yeah, chim is taking me somewhere" taetae laughed nervously and koo arched an eyebrow but shrugged it off

"Okay, have fun and yeah by the way, jin, me and joonie are also going to a bar if you don't mind" he said as he started taking out his clothes

"Oh no, i don't" taetae beamed up. He was happy that koo would not be alone

"J-just don't drink much" he said with worry and koo chuckled

"Sure, baby" he pecked his lips. He was about to go but stopped and turned to smirk

"By the way, you look so cute" he winked towards the blushing taetae

"T-thanks" he said and pecked koo's cheeks

He walked towards the closet and taking his clothes, he changed into them as taetae looked so fondly at his boyfriend's body

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He walked towards the closet and taking his clothes, he changed into them as taetae looked so fondly at his boyfriend's body

"You're wearing that?!" He widened his eyes as he said in a shocked tone

"You're wearing that?!" He widened his eyes as he said in a shocked tone

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"Umm...yeah. Is it bad?" He asked nervously

"Umm...no... It's―it's just...you look more hot than you should look" taetae said as he covered his blushing face while koo smirked

"Why? Shouldn't I look hot?" he asked as he stepped closer towards taetae

"Y-you shou-should but only for me" taetae said as he fiddled with his fingers

Koo was now in front of him as he put his finger under his chin and made him look up

"Are you jealous, baby?" koo asked his blushing boyfriend

"Well then maybe I should be too" he said as he cupped his face

"Because that ass—" he smacked his ass and the voice echoed in the room, surprising taetae

"—is fucking perfect" he winked at his boyfriend who flushed furiously

"And baby, you should know that I am yours only" he pecked his cheek

"And anyways no ass is so perfect and fuckable like yours" he whispered in his ear seductively and licked it as taetae released a short moan

"Wanna ditch the party and stay here?" taetae asked needy of his boyfriend

"I would have loved to but we can continue this later, can we?" he smirked as his boyfriend nodded

A car horn blowed as chin shouted from outside

"Chim's here gotta go" taetae said as he kissed his boyfriend before taking his belongings and leaving.

"Baby!" koo stopped him

"Yes koo?"

"Watch that ass, it's mine" koo winked at him as he giggled and got out of the house and the trip drove away

Soon, jin, joonie and yoongi came to pick koo up as they all sat

"Where are we going by the way?" koo asked

"It's a gay bar"


Okay so guys, here's authornim

I wanted to do a face reveal and a short introduction of myself

But don't hate ne for being a potato

My name: jahanvi ratoria

Nationality: Indian

Bias: Taehyungie

Bias wrecker: Namjoon and hoseok

Age: 15 (sorry I am too young to write books like these)

Finally face reveal, I don't even know If you guys wanna see me

But here's nothing

I know I look like poop

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I know I look like poop

I know I look like poop

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I just got a haircut

This one is in Indian attire

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This one is in Indian attire. So don't feel weird

Gosh, this is shameful but thank you so much for loving my stories and I'll keep writing loads and loads for you all

You all are my lifeline, hope you stay close to me and be in touch with me

Message board is always open for you to talk to me and don't be a silent reader, comment and vote on my stories

Thank you so much, lovelies,


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