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Koo and taetae were sitting inside the ice cream shop because, well you know.

Ice cream date

Don't even think they'll forget it ever.

It's their ritual

Taetae was eating his mint and chocolate chip and koo was eating banana. Well they both ordered the same one but decided to change just so they could have pleasure of both the flavors

Koo was feeding taetae with his ice cream but taetae being a little clumsy dropped the ice cream over his T-shirt

"Aishh... Why are you so clumsy baby?" Koo said as he picked up the wipes and started wiping the ice cream off of taetae's shirt

Taetae who wasn't really on earth to register what koo was saying except his words


Did he just fucking call me baby?

Taetae's heart beat so fast that he seriously could have died of heart attack.

The blush spreading on his face


That name again

"K-koo why are you calling me b-b-baby" he was a complete blushing mess

"Aren't you my baby, hmm?" Koo asked in that low voice and taetae could have seriously fainted


"No buts, from now on I will call you baby" koo smirked

Taetae could just nod

"My baby"

Taetae's heart skipped a beat as he hid his face in his hands and slapped koo's shoulder

"Shall we go baby?"

I am not getting used to this name so quickly

Yet I love it

And that's when taetae realized how much sweet and possessive it looked when koo called him baby

His baby

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now