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It's been a month after their wedding and the two have been inseparable. They now live permanently in their flat in seoul, even if they miss their parents and busan, they are glad that they are back at their own home

Taetae is sleeping when he feels like throwing up, he sees that koo is still sleeping soundly beside him. He quickly gets out of the bed and rushes to the bathroom

Taetae starts to vomit. After being relieved, he flushed the toilet, washed his face and mouth and looked at the mirror

"It's to early to think about it. Let me test it for a week" taetae said to himself and walked out of the bathroom.

He looked at his husband, sleeping cutely. He pecked his forehead before going downstairs to prepare for breakfast.

It's sunday today, so he doesn't need to prepare much food as they'll be going to the ice cream place.

He decided to prepare eggs and bacon. His eggs were done and he was preparing bacon when he heard steps coming down.

"Good morning, baby" koo said as he walked towards the kitchen, and sat down on the chair from where he could see taetae prepare food

"Good morning, koo" taetae said and flipped his bacon

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing breakfast for jeon koo" taetae smiled and said cutely

"Would baby feed jeon koo by his hands?" Koo asked cutely

"No! Today is jeon koo's turn to feed baby, my turn is tomorrow" taetae said

Yes, they have everything scheduled, they do every chore alrernate days, but koo goes to a job so taetae has to do more work than him at home but alas whenever they get time, they help each other and have fun.

"But jeon koo's hands are burning" koo pouted

"Baby won't let koo's hands get burnt, if they do then he'll feed koo himself"

"Then i think they are already burning" koo showed his hands

"Jeon koo! Behave!" Taetae scolded cutely


"No buts, come here and feed me" taetae ordered and as koo was his whipped husband, he did.

They ate their breakfast and had bath, together. Then walked towards the ice cream shop with hands intertwined

They went inside the shop and were welcomed by aunt mijin.

They sat on their regular booth and talked until their icecreams came

Suddenly koo remembered something

"Yesterday, i was finding my papers for the work but i suddenly found this piece of paper. "It's confidential" that's written on it. I couldn't get time to ask you yesterday so i wanted to ask now. Is it yours? Shall i open ut? I brought it here"

"No! Don't!" Taetae gasped

"Why?" Koo got more curious as he raised an eyebrow

"Ugh fine, we'll open it at home" taetae rolled his eyes

He still wasn't ready to let koo see his "weird" list but he promised chim he would tell him

So, it's this time....

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