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Koo woke up from his deep slumber amd patted the area behind him to find taetae and give him morning kisses and cuddle but to his dispair there was no sign of the beautiful boy. He arched his eyesbrow as he pulled himself up and started to search for taetae. Currently, koo and taetae were in koo's house because his mother told him that taetae's parents have to leave for a one day business trip

He went inside the kitchen to atleast grab water and freshen up before searching some more. He saw a note on the fridge and tilted his head in confusion.

He pulled the note and started reading it.


We are going to grandma's place to visit her, so we'll be back by eve and take care of tae because he seemed a little upset today,


So baby is here only?

Why was he sad?

Koo thought to himself as he slightly panicked

"Baby?" he shouted but got no response. He was getting nervous now

"Baby!" he repeatedly started calling as he searched the whole house.

He got scared now

What if he has left me?

But before you think anything, go check his house. What if he might be there?

Koo told himself still hoping that something like that isn't happening as he ran towards his house, not even thinking that he's still in his night wear

He opened the door to find the house utterly silent. He still wasn't letting his thoughts take over his mind because he knows taetae loves him so much and he won't just leave him like that before three days of their wedding.

"Baby, you here?" he asked sweetly hoping that he'll get a reply in the same sweetness but to his demise, he didn't

He searched the whole house, even the bathroom but found him nowhere

He was taking back the tears in his eyes as he was still not taking in that the older has left him

He went, practically ran back to his house as he searched the house once again with panick

He was looking like an insane person, though he actually became one. He also thought that taetae might have gone to the market or somewhere but he always leaves a note if that happens and today, there's no note

What if he got bored of me?

What if he always wanted to leave me?

Oh my god, did he even wanted to marry me?

Why was he sad? Was it because of me?

So many negative and inappropriate thoughts were coming in his mind and he didn't even know that he was shedding silent tears

He panicked but with fumbling hands decided to call his mother. With shaking hands he placed it beside his ear, trying to hold it in place.

After a few rings his mom picked her phone

"Hey son, wassup?"

"M-mom, tae—baby—tae is missing, mom" he tried to speak properly but with those thoughts going in his mind, who wouldn't

"What?! OMG! Oh okay, don't panicked, baby" she tried to calm him down because she knows when koo gets panicked what he does

"Mom!!! How can I calm down when he is not here?!" koo screamed and he could feel that his mom was panicking

"Look honey, you need to stay calm on this one, okay? What if he might have gone to shopping?"

"His phone is here, his clothes stock which I keep here are missing, he is not in his house and I don't know!!"

"Okay, okay. C-calm down. Just think positively. Stay strong, he might come back"

"No!! He's never coming back! He left me, mom. I can't live without him!" koo yelled and he was so much scared of that to happen and he needed to take his aggression out somewhere, so he took a plate from the kitchen and smashed it on the wall, his face tearing up and the shards of ceramic lying on the floor

His mom heard the voice

"Kook! Stop doing something you might regret later!" his mom shouted

"But mom! I want my taetae back, I need my baby back!" he yelled as he fell on the floor between the ceramic shards, crying his eyes out

"He won't leave you like that! He loves you! And he was more excited than you for the wedding!"

"But he was sad today, you only told me right?!"

"That doesn't mean it has to be the same reason!"

"Mom! I need him back! I can't live without him! I fucking can't!" he yelled as he pulled his hair in frustration

"I know, just stay calm. Try calling his mom, we may come back early for you"

"Okay, mom"

"Look, honey. He loves you more than he loves himself, he won't just leave you hanging right before the wedding"

"It's okay mom, i-I'll handle"

He cut the phone call and called taetae's mom and told her everything and she did panick, a lot but she had to stay strong for koo and she told him the same thing

He cut the phone call and laid with the ceramic pieces, lifelessly and staring at the door while shedding tears, hoping that his baby might come from that door and hug him to death

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now