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"Tae, come to my house, i wanna talk"

"Okay" he said as he grabbed his car keys and told his mother that he's going out and drove away

He stopped his car and rang the doorbell. The door flung open

"Tae~ i wanna talk to you about something" he smiled as he hugged taetae

"Let me come in first" taetae laughed as he moved sideways to let taetae come in

"So we were deciding, as your wedding is close and you'll be too busy with that, why not have a bachelor's party?" He suggested as he plopped beside his other best friend

"That's cool! I am so excited! But, you guys have to plan it, i am already planning the wedding" taetae said as he kept his bag and wiggled himself in between of his two friends

"Okay, we've been on it already" the other flashed his sunshine smile

"Chim~ hobi~ i love you guys!" He said as he hugged the two boys

"We know, we know" the two friends said in unison

"But we have two conditions for that" chim said in a serious tone

"What?" Taetae asked curiously and nervously

"1. You're not going to tell kook about this party

2. No phones allowed in the party

Oh and 3. No talking about kook, we are just gonna enjoy the best friend day AND if you're worrying about him don't worry, we've already told joonie hyung, yoongi hyung and jin hyung to be with your soon to be husband, so that he doesn't feels lonely" chim said and took a long breath after that

"Chim but you said only two conditions, these are three~" taetae whined not being able to accept the third condition

"This my house, and my fucking rules" he said as he crossed his hands over his stomach

"Fine~ but only for the party" taetae pouted

"So where are we gonna go for the party?" Taetae asked and hobi and chim smirked at the question

"We'll be in Korea and go to many places BUT we'll take you somewhere you might have never imagined" chim smirked


"Gay bar"

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now