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As koo was one year younger than taetae he would have a late graduation.

Taetae thought and thought of something he wanted to do for so long.

And he finally decided he'll ask koo about it

"Koo" he called as he opened the door to koo's room and found him sitting on the bed playing on his phone

"Baby" he exclaimed as he dropped his phone and opened his arms for taetae to jump in and he did so

Taetae sat in his lap as he played with his hair while koo hugged taetae's waist and played with the hem of his sweatpants

"I wanted to ask you something"

"Yes ask anything baby"

"Koo what if I take a year drop and wait for you to graduate and then we can go to college together because I don't wanna go without you and we can also stay together in a room but if you don't wanna it's okay. Not that I am forci―"

"Baby you are ranting" koo laughed as he rubbed circles inside taetae's sweatshirt now

"Sorry it's just that I wanted to be in college with you" he said as he fiddled with his fingers, head down shyly

Koo held a finger under his chin and made him look up.

"Look at me baby" and taetae did so

"I'll be the most happiest to do that. Plus who wouldn't need a distraction while studying hmm?" He said softly and taetae couldn't contain his smile

Koo smiled and connected their lips sweetly while still rubbing circles on his back

Taetae was so excited

He is finally gonna be with koo

In the same class

In the same room


And alone


Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now