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Koo has been addicted to how taetae's ass tastes like

And as they said, the house is literally a sex heaven, from fucking on the kitchen table to the patio

They've tried every position on every place they could yet they couldn't get enough of it.

It was like finally a part in their relationship was fulfilled

Currently they were at their home, watching a movie while cuddling and having a pizza

"Do you ever wonder what if Elsa turns out to be gay and she has a crush on anna and then boom... It's incest" koo said out of the blue because they were watching frozen

Taetae who was resting his head in koo's lap looked up at him with one of those "are you serious" faces

"Come on koo stop ruining the damn movie" taetae whined and koo threw his hands to surrender

After watching the movie they decided to just roam around the city

"God, I miss our ice cream shop" taetae sighed as he was filled with the sweet memories of the shop. It made him emo

"Then maybe we can make a regular one here" koo suggested

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I know we miss our ice cream shop but we can't stop our ice cream dates, I mean like I wouldn't for the world, they are the source of my life"

"Really then what about me?"

"You are my life honey, how can you be the source of something which you are?" Koo said pinching taetae's cheeks who blushed at the comment

"So anyways I think we should find a new ice cream shop for our date here in Seoul"

"Then on to the hunt!" Taetae yelled as he pumped his fist in air as koo laughed at his sweet baby

Even if they change places, the memories are gonna be forever with them

And even if they are in an unknown place, they'll never be able to stop any ritual they do

Prominent one being their ice cream dates


That's where everything started

Ever Since| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now