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Oh my God, I can't even function right now, my hands are shaking and I feel as if I'm going to throw up. The orphanage is huge, it looks like a mansion. It was pretty intimidating, almost dark, it didn't look like a place for children. I wrap my coat tighter around me as the air whips around us. Michael senses my tension and gives my hand a light squeeze.

"Hey, it'll be okay..there just babies." he soothes as we walk nearer to the entrance. We had agreed on adopting a baby, just to make things easier, so we could teach it everything from the beginning. It just felt more natural, it would feel more like our baby.

Today, we were here to meet some that were ready for adoption, their were other children their as well, but we were focused on the babies. I felt a pang of guilt as we walked inside, pictures of children lined the walls, and somehow I felt like we should adopt a child, not a baby. Most people adopt babies for the same reason we are, so who will adopt them? Who will take them home and love them and protect them? Much like Michael did with me.

A woman with pointy nails and too much makeup sat behind the desk, typing away at a computer when she sees us. She looks up and gives us a fake smile, some of her lipstick stuck to her teeth.

"Oh, you two must be the Cliffords, here to see some babies?" she asks with fake enthusiasm.

"Yes, that would be us." Michael says, giving her a warm smile back. I could tell how excitied he was. I also flash her a closed mouth smile. I stare at the tiled floor as she leads us to the baby room. As we walk down the corridors, I see other children. Some of them seem happy, others...not so much. This only adds to my guilt, no child deserves to be put through this.

She pushed through a heavy, old wooden door and we are met by more than a dozen sleeping children in cribs. I look around the room filled with sleeping children. My breath hitches and I am afraid to move, in fear I will wake one of them, sending them into a crying frenzy.

Michael, however is not shy at all, he tugs me along as he leans over cribs, looking at all the children.

"Lukey, how are we ever going to be able to pick?" he quietly asks me.

"I have no idea I whisper back. We get to the last crib, finding it empty. I give Michael a curious look and he only shrugs.

"Would you like to meet Jonathon?" a woman softly asks. Holding a small infant in her arms. "He wasn't sleeping, just sitting , staring at the ceiling. I figured he may want to take a walk." she says while looking at the tiny boy.

"Oh Luke!" Michael loudly whispers, excitement kicking in. "He's adorable, he actually kinda looks like you."

"That;s impossible Mikey." I quietly giggle. Jonathan yawns and his little nose wrinkles. Michael excitedly jumps up and down.

"Oh my gosh kitten! He wrinkles his nose just like you!"

"Shh, Mikey, let's go on a walk with them. yeah?" I say calmly to my over excited husband. He nods and we escape the room of kids. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. The nurse stands there, rocking the little boy in her arms.

"He's actually very quiet, he's a very good baby." she tells us while looking down at him. "Would you like to hold him?" she asks me with hopeful eyes.

"M-me?" I ask, pointing to myself. She nods happily."Um, sure." I swallow hard, trying not to freak out. I've never held a baby before...

She carefully sets him into my arms, his blue eyes boring into mine. Suddenly, it all seems real. I can see our lives with Johnathan. I feel a bust of happiness as the child looks into my eyes.

"Hi Johnathan." I say, while swaying back and forth.

"Michael?" I say, not taking my eyes off of Johnathan.

"Yes kitten?"

"I think we found our baby." I grin



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