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"Daddy?" I hear a small voice call into the darkness of Luke and I's bedroom. I glance over, Luke is still asleep and April stands in the illuminated doorway, a stuffed bear clutched in her arms. I quickly and tiredly slide out of bed.

"What is it sweetie?" I ask, my voice husky, as it's almost 3 in the morning. As I get closer to April, I see the tears running down her flushed cheeks. I crouch down to her, still whispering.

"Hey, hey..." I soothe. "What;s wrong?"

"I-I had a bed dream." she sniffles.

"Oh, honey." I pick her up, her small frame gripping to me. I walk back to her, trying not to wake Luke. I set her on her bed, going to the bookshelf to pick out a book.

I read her the story in hopes she would fall asleep, sadly she doesn't. She stays awake through the whole thing, curious. Once I finish, she stares intently at me.

"Can you sleep now?" I ask her, I was exhasted, but I couldn't leave her, I wouldn't. She shakes her head no. "What will make you feel better?"

She only shrugs.

"Do you want to sleep with Luke and I?" I ask her.

Se shakes her head again. "No, I'm a big girl." She huffs. I chuckle.

"C-Can you sing? Ms. Lilly used to sing t us when we couldn't sleep..." she asks shyly.

"Uh, I could try?" I say more like a question. She gets situated in bed and waits. I clear my throat.

"Hush little April don't say a word, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird, and if that mockingbird don't sing, daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring..." I continue.

I finish, finding a sleeping April, soft snores escaping her lips.

"Goodnight love." I whisper, kissing her head softly. I nearly jump out of my skin when I see Luke leaning against the door frame.

"You have a nice voice." he says.

Then I remember, that's was the first thing he ever told to me. In the Library, I was singing along with my music when he popped up, showing me his cell phone. The words written in the notes section reading: You have a nice voice.

I remember blushing at the cute blonde, and being curious as to why he wasn't speaking. I stuttered out a thank you and when I looked into his icy blue eyes, I knew I would be with him. I knew he would be mine.

I follow him to our bedroom, checking behind me to ensure that April was still fast asleep. I close her door and trudge behind him. As soon as we are both in our bedroom I pick him up, his legs instantly wrapping around my waist, kissing him. I shove the door closed with my foot, and walk forward, dropping Luke onto the bed with me on top of him.

I roughly and passionately kiss him, biting his lip. He gasps, allowing me to plunge my tongue into his mouth, exploring. His hands go to my blue hair, tugging softly. Moans erupt through my throat as he pulls on hairs.

"Kitten, you're driving me crazy." I growl in his ear. I then go and nip at his neck, sucking on his sweet spot.

"Mikey..." he moans, squirming underneath me. I chuckle against his neck, breathing heavily. My hands inch towards his hands. I watch as his expression turns slightly worried and he quickly sits up. I get off of him and sit next to him on the bed.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" I ask him. A blush creeps onto his cheeks.

"N-no, it's just, April is right next door..." he looks down.

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