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My palms are sweaty and I try taking deep breaths, what am I going to do? Should I tell him? I feel completely sick to my stomach, it wasn't his fault, he didn't know. But I don't know if I should wait for Calum to tell Luke, or if I should.

I feel so insanely guilty, and I don't want to be the one to hurt Luke. I swallow hard as Luke trots down the stairs, ready for dinner with Calum and Kat.

I bite my lip hard and put on my most convincing fake smile.

"Well hello their handsome." I say, hoping Luke won't notice my nervous state. He lightly blushes and we walk out to the car with my heart pounding in my chest. As soon as the car starts I turn up the radio to avoid conversation, my mind feels like mush. I am so worried about Luke being upset, what if he cries? I can't handle it when he cries...especially if he cries over something I did, or well, didn't;t do. I am keeping this from him and it's making me want to punch myself. I am being completely selfish, I don't want to tell him, I want someone else to tell him. And that's what's going to happen. Calum is going to tell him and his heart will be broken.

Then he will be so disappointed and angry with me that I didn't tell him the second I found out. I should have, but he seemed so happy. I didn't want him to be sad, or even slightly down. I wanted him to be happy. Maybe with April and I. And just forget. But now that can't happen.

"Michael?" Luke turns the radio down, snapping me out of my thoughts. I snap my head in his direction and realize the car is parked, I was thinking so hard I didn't even notice we were here. "What's wrong? What are you nervous about?"

"What makes you think I'm nervous?" He softly chuckles.

"Michael we have been married for over a year, you always zone out when your nervous." he says matter-of-factly.

"Oh, I mumble ,"well let's go, don't want to keep them waiting." I say quickly, getting out of the car. He follows and we walk silently to the restaurant. I spot Calum and Kat in a booth, I take Luke's hand and guide him to the back to the restaurant.

"Hey guys." I say not so enthusiastically.

"Well it's nice to see you too Mikey." Calum responds while smiling. "Hey Luke." he says.

"Hi Cal, Hi Kat." Luke gives them a small smile, then goes onto biting at his lip. I take a deep breath. (BTW CAL AND KAT R MARRIED)

"So, we have a bit of news." Kat smiles, taking Calum's hand. Calum made me swear not to tell Kat that I already knew, he was just so excited he had to tell someone, but Kat wanted it to be a surprise. "Well, since I can't get pregnant, we have decided to adopt." she says while grinning. I look down at my lap while I wait for her to drop the ball.

"Really? That's so great guys. I'm happy for you." Luke says, perking up a little. I feel a knot form in my stomach and a lump in my throat. I fiddle with my thumbs under the table and I can feel Calum's glare on me for not pretending to be excited.

But I can't think about that. All I can think about is how heartbroken Luke is going to be. Calum still doesn't know, I just congratulated him, not saying anything else.

"Actually, we are in the process of adopting." she says.

"Oh really? That happened fast." Luke tells them, leaning over the table in anticipation. I want so desperately to clamp a hand over Kat's mouth and rush out of the restaurant. My breathing becomes slightly heavy as I eye Luke.n

He gives me a confused look, then turns his attention back to Kat. I look down, ashamed.

"You okay mate?" Calum asks me. I clear my throat, looking up.

"Fine." is all I say. Luke gently pats my knee and gives me a smile, something I used to do for him. My hands begin to shake, just thinking about hw his reaction will be. The last thing I want to do is hurt him. I regret not telling him. But it;s too late for that now.

I just ruined this. I can't take it back. I should've told him, instead of leaving him to cluelessness. He thinks he will be excited, but really, it will kill him. I should have told him myself, I am such a selfish person. I'm a liar. I kept things from him. He trusted me. I let him down, and this feeling of guilt id eating me alive, I know how much he means to him.

"Well, what's the little one's name?" Luke asks, excitement returning.


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