first fight.

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I happily walk through the crowded mall,  to the store Luke told me he and April were at. I finally spot them, they were inside paying and April had the biggest smile on her face. I felt my stomach flutter at this, I can't believe how much I have fallen in love with her.

Just as they are walking out of the store, the cashier calls after them. Silly Luke, knowing him, he probably left something in the store. I watch as the girl (extremely pretty guilt I might add) blushed and spoke to Luke, never taking her eyes off f her shoes. I see Luke smile at her and hand her his cell phone, she does the same.

An unwelcoming feeling of possessiveness took over. I could feel my cheeks getting red with anger and my lips falling into a frown. I scowl at the giggling girl standing in front of him. She obviously liked him, and he totally knew it. I mean, she couldn't have and it more obvious. He just willingly gave her his number...

Does he think I'm not here yet? Will he even acknowledge it? It honestly wouldn't bother me, but she was just so pretty, and she was completely flirting with her. And she made April smile, pretty strangers that flirt with your husbands should definitely not be making your children smile. This feeling grew stronger, full of hatred and frustration. Luke walks over to me as April skips. I can tell he knows that something was wrong, but of course April had no clue. Luke and April were mine, they were all I had and all I ever wanted. I loved them and loved me, so why did I think that they could so easily be taken from me?

"Fairy!" April calls, running to me. I bed down and let her engulf me into a hug.

"Hi sweetie, did Daddy buy you a pretty dress?"I ask her, putting on a fake smile. I couldn't shake this jealous feeling, it was literally driving me crazy. April nods and I kiss her head before standing. I could tell Luke knew that something was up. I pluck April from the floor and carry her in my arms. he gives me a confused look as if to say 'what's wrong?'

"Later." I monotonley say. We walk to the car, April yawing in my arms.

"Are you tired sweet heart?"

"Yea, a little." she softly says.

"Okay, well why don't you take a nap in the car." I smile and she just nods, rubbing her eyes. I buckle her up and watch as she struggles to keep her eyes open. I gently close her door, getting nto the drivers seat. I look back in the review mirror, seeing April already asleep.

"Michael what's wro-"

"I'll tell you when we get home." I say more harshly then interned. He just looks down at his lap and stays silent for the rest of the car ride. I now feel hatred, jealousy and guilt. And it was the worst feeling in the world. I grip the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white.

Dammit Michael, why do you always have to screw everything up?

I pull into the driveway and sit in the car. Luke, however, gets out quickly and goes to the backseat to get April. I watch as her tiny arms wrap around his neck and he walks to the door. He turns to look at me still in the car and I look at him sadly, guilt obvious in my eyes. Luke looks at the ground, pushing open the door.

I sigh and tug at my fading blue hair. I eventually get out of the car and make my way upstairs where I see Aprils bedroom light on. I peak inside and see Luke sitting on the edge of Aprils bed, talking to her.

"Did Fairy make you sad?" I hear her voice asks, breaking my heart.

"Princess, I'm not sad, see? I'm smiling, how could you be sad when you're smiling?" he asks, lying.

"It's a sad smile though, isn't it?"

"Honey, it's nothing you have to worry about, everything will be fine, I promise." he kisses her head and pulls the covers over her. "I'll wake you up when I'm finished making you lunch, okay?" Luke asks. April yawns and nods, taking her nap.

He stands, freezing when he sees me at the door. He softly shuts the door and turns to me.


"I'm sorry..."

"Okay." he says, walking past me and down the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he walks into the kitchen.

"Making lunch for April."


"What." he snaps setting down a pot that was in hands.

"Kitten, I'm sorry, it's just...when you were talking to her-"

"Wait, you're mad because I was talking to someone else besides you? Am I not allowed to have a life besides you?"

"No, that's not what I'm sayi-"

"Honestly, she just wanted to show me around town! I don't even get why you are upset with me!" he says, raising his voice.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to get upset with you if you didn't flirt with other people!" I snap back, getting frustrated.

"Flirting?!? You thought I was flirting with her?!?" he yells.

"Well she was obviously flirting with you! And then you just go and give her your number, like what the hell was that?!?"

"So, let me get this straight, you thought that I was flirting with a girl when I'm married to you?" he nearly laughs.

"Oh, so are you admitting it now?!" I ask.

"Jesus Christ Mikey!" he screams, "I was not flirting with her!"

"Well it sure seemed like it!"

"God, you are such an ass-"

"Daddy?" April asks, her head poking around the corner. She was clutching a stuffed animal.

I rub my face and watch as Luke hurries over to her.

"Honey, it's okay, I'm sorry we woke you." he gently says.

"Why are you fighting?"

"Grown up stuff, now come on, I'll take you back upstairs." he says before picking hr up and leaving the room without a second glance to me.

"Goddamn it." I curse once they are gone. I rush upstairs and see Luke walk into our room, having already put April to bed. He walks into the bathroom and softly closes the door, locking it. I walk up and knock gently.

"Luke?" I ask. "Luke, please open the door." I croak out.

The door swings open, catching me off guard. I see tears brimming his blue eyes.

"Do you really think I would cheat on you?" he asks quietly.

"What? No, no kitten. I'm sorry, I was just jealous..." I admit, cupping his face.

"Do you not trust me?"

"Of course I trust you..."

"Do you not understand how much I love you?" he says looking into my eyes. I don't respond, I just press my lips to his.

"I'm sorry..." I mumble against his lips. "I just got jealous, I mean, she was really pretty and she liked you..." this time, he kisses me.

"I Love you, and only you." he kisses me again.

"I love you so much Kitten and I really am sorry." I breath.

"I know, it's okay, just kiss me." he mumbles before reconnecting our lips. The kiss deepens and I swipe my tongue across his bottom lips, he instantly opens his mouth. Our tongues slide past one another and I hoist him up and set him on the counter. I stand between his legs putting my hands on his hips and his weave through my hair. I kiss down his jawline and his neck, sucking softly.

Let's just say we might have waken April up again. Good thing we had the door locked...

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