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As soon as the name leaves her lips I am frozen. Everything around me is gone and all I ca think about is Jonathan. He wasn't meant to be their son. He was meant to be ours. What have they done to deserve such an amazing child?

Then it clicks. Michael was nervous as hell for this dinner, that means...he knew/ he knew and didn't say a thing, instead he left me to embarrassment and sadness other than telling me the truth. I have an overwhelming feeling of betrayal and anger all pointed towards him. if he would have adopted Jonathan when I said, he would be ours. If he wouldn't have kept things from me, then I wouldn't be here, feeling as if I was going to burst into tears.

Why would he lie to me? This is the first time he has ever done something like this. I thought I could trust him no matter what...

"Luke..." Michael began, while Calum and Kat were still blabbing on about having a new baby, oblivious to what was happening right in front of them.

"You knew." i whispered so only he could hear.

"Lukey, I'm so sorry I was trying to protec-"

"You knew." I hissed, loud enough for Calum and Kat stop with their conversation.

"Um, is everything okay?" Calum asks. We are both silent. I simply remove myself from the booth and walk calmly out the door, I can feel Michael right on my trail. I didn't want to cry. I was too angry to cry.

"Luke please stop!" he calls after me. I walk past his car and continue to walk down the empty sidewalk, hearing his footsteps catching up to mine.

I quickly pull out my phone and dial the only person that comes to mind. I continue to walk fast as the phone rings.


"Ashton, hi."

"Um, everything okay?" he asks.

"Um, no, not really, can you pick me up?"

Michael runs up behind me.

"Luke! Please I'm sorry, let me explain." he begs. I don't even look in his direction, attempting to ignore him.

"Yeah, sure." Ashton replies.

"Okay, I'm at the restaurant off of know where that is?"

"Yeah, be there in a few." he hangs up. I then turn my attention to Michael. His eyes glassy, and his face pale, a look of hurt and confusion written all over his face.

"Y-You're leaving?" he chokes out.

"I just," I let out a strangled breath, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "I'm going to Ashton's for the night. I just need some space...I mean," tears begin to well into my eyes. "how could you lie to me about this?" I question, the anger and frustration now being replaced with sadness and hurt.

"I-I just I hated seeing you so sad, I was being selfish, I didn't want to be the one to make you unhappy." he says, looking at the ground.

"Michael, do you want to know why I am crying?" I ask, the tears finally breaking over my lids. He doesn't answer. "It's not because Jonathan is going to be Calum and Kat's son. It's not because I cant have him, it because of you. I am crying and I'm sitting here feeling hurt and betrayed that you lied to me. Relationships are about trust, I'm supposed to trust you. I've never lied to you, I tell you everything. This was so important to me, Jonathan was so important to me and you knew that and still, you lied. So the very thing you were doing to avoid me from getting hurt was the very thing that hurt me."

I watch as Michael paces and tugs on his hair, frustrated as hot angry tears boil down his cheeks.

"God, I'm such a damn fuck up." he mumbles to himself. "I thought I was protecting you! But now I'm the reason that you're hurt and you have no idea how much it kills me inside. I promised I would never hurt you..I'm such a damn fuck up."

I still don't understand why he thought that lying was the better option, but I can see how sorry he is. i don't wan t to leave him would kill both of us. I know he doesn't want to be alone, and now neither do I.

"Michael I'm s-" I begin before he cuts me off.

"Luke don't you dare apologize, you did nothing wrong...this was completely my fault. And you are right. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I lied to you and I swear on my life, I will never lie to you again. Ever. I love you kitten, please don't leave, I don't want to be alone..."

I run up and hug him. I know how sorry he is, I was just angry and upset.

"I'm not going anywhere." I mumble into his neck. "I love you Michael...but don't ever lie to me again." I say the last part a bit jokingly, but he only wraps his arms around me tighter. I can feel the wet tears soaking into my shoulder.

"Never." he whispers.

"So, do you still want me to pick you up?" I hear a voice call out from the street. i break away from Michael to see Ashton sitting in his car, watching us with a huge smile. His smile is intoxicating and somehow I am smiling back and I can see Mikey grinning beside me.

"I think we're good." I call back to him. "Uh, how much did you see?"

"Pretty much all of it..." I laugh and so do they.

"Hey, you wanna come with Michael and I to his favorite place?" I ask.

"Uh, sure, where would that be?"

"McDonalds." I say and watch as both their faces brighten.

"Really?" Michael asks like a child, practically jumping up and down.

"Yea, I haven't eaten dinner yet." I smirk back at him.


sorry it was kinda short:(( I have to go to guitar practice so probably after I do that and my homework I will try to update again:) ILY VV MUCH

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