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The guilt of everything was literally eating me alive, it's all I could think about. But it was too late, he gave me the perfect opportunity to tell him, but I didn't. I know that it meant nothing, so why didn't I tell him? I don't understand, telling him now would just make everything worse.

Every time I see him, the back of my mind goes back to it.

Why don't you tell him? You're ruining everything. Just like always.

I push the thoughts, bottle them up for another time. I want to tell him, I would...if I wasn't so damn scared of loosing him. He is all I have. Michael, my family. What if he never forgives me? What if he thinks I love her? I can't let that happen. She calls and texts constantly, but I ignore her, delete the messages. I have avoided the mall at all times, just in case I run into her. I can't let her do this, I can't let her ruin us.

"Hey babe."

I look up, Michael is in sweats, his voice groggy. I smile faintly, my mind still occupied with her...

"You okay?" he asks, followed by a nervous chuckle.

"Fine." I reassure him, kissing his soft lips.

"When do we have to leave to get April?"

"Um, about twenty minutes." I tell him, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. My eyes go wide, what if is her?

"Um, kitten, are you gonna get that?" he laughs.

"What? Oh, y-yeah." i say quickly, pulling out my phone.


What do I do?  If I don't answer he'll question me...should I just get this over with? But should I leave the room? What do I do, what do I do? I take a leap and press down on the answer button.


"Well 'bout time you answered..."

"Oh, hey Ash..." I loudly lie, making sure Mikey hears, "Oh, yeah I'l go check." I rush out of the room and upstairs.

"Really Lukey? Ash? Was your little boyfriend in the room?" she taunts.

"He's my husband. What the hell do you want?" I snap, keeping my voice low.

"Look, I want to explain..." she sighs. "Can I talk to you, like face to face? Don't worry,we'll go somewhere public...and I won't kiss you. Well, unless you want me to." I could practically hear her smirking.

"Your not going to leave me alone until I say yes, are you?"



"I'll text you where to meet, see you later babe." I cringe at her words.

I don't answer I just hang up.

I get a text only moments later.

Meet me at my apartment tomorrow at 3;) we'll go some where more private together. See u then babe...can't wait <3 xx.

I roll my eyes, stuffing my phone back into my pocket. My stomach feels sick, not wanting to see her, or be alone with her. I am going to have to lie to Michael...shit.

"Hey, what did Ashton want?"

"Oh, uh, just a question about um, diapers?" I lie.

"Um, he does know that April is five, right?" he laughs.

"Yeah, I know, I told him to call Calum." I force a smile. "Oh I forget to tell you, I have a, um, job interview's at 3, so can you pick up April from school?"

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