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Ok so im like eating this really wierd thing right now and I thought id share it with yall cuz i feel like we need to know each other more...idk im lonley dont judge.

So im like eating cucumber and that baby bell cheese wedges thingys...its swiss. And I expected it to be extremley disgusting and they are but in like...a really good way. In one way im like throwing up and at the same time i can't get enough of them. Idk man it's really gross but really good at the same time, u catch my drift?

comment ur weird food combos/snacky snacks

I also like peanut butter on pizza

but only on bacon pizza and only crunchy peanut butter.

is that weird?

{btw i drew and watercolored tht picture on the side and IM SO PROUD OF IT I HUNG IT ON MY WALL btw i didnt trace it or anything like tht i drew it all by myself:) cuz imma big girl}

hugz and tickles



"I slept with someone." he spit out. It felt as if someone had just stabbed me, I couldn't even begin to think about what had just come out of his mouth. I feel nothing but anger.

I was just so damn angry.

He fucking slept with someone? He cheated on me? Did he plan on doing this? Was he trying to get back at me for something I didn't even do?

Fucking asshole.

My body reacted faster than my brain could, I slapped him.

I clench my teeth as his sad face looks up to me in shock. I can' let those gorgeous green eyes make me feel sorry for him. he did this, he fucked someone.

I look at him with disgust, wanting to stand my ground, shoe him that I would forgive him. What he did was unforgivable.

Tears spill and he hold his cheek. I want nothing more than to burst into sobs right then and there. But I can't let him do this to me, he can't have this power over me. I can't forgive him. I can't cry. If I even let tears gather into my eyes then it would all be over, I would kiss him and tell him is was fine.

It's not. It's not fine at all.

I dig my nails into the palm of my hand, reminding myself that this was real, this was happening and I can't let him in. I can never let him in again.

"L-Luke..." he cries, his voice weak. I press my lips together. I take a deep breath, screwing my eyes closed as I feel the salty liquid try to escape my eyes.

"Get out." I say, barley above a whisper.

"Luke, please, I'm so sorry, I ddin't kno-"

"Michael, get out. I can't even look at you right now." I grit my teeth, my jaw aching. My eyes still closed, I feel I hand on my cheek. My eyes snap open and I see Michael, cupping my face.

"Kitten please,"

Seeing him so sad, so broken and hopeless...I wanted to just kiss him and tell him to forget everything. But I couldn't, he deserve it. But did. But I couldn't have it.

I roughly grab his arm, yanking his arm away from my face. We make eye contact and I break down, sobs erupting though out my body.

"Get out Michael!" I scream between cries.

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