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"Kitten, wakey wakey..." I hear Michael whisper. I groan, snuggling deeper into his chest. Michael's chest vibrates as he chuckles, his hand goes to stroke my hair. "C'mon Lukey, I don't have to work today, we can April shopping for her leotard if you want?" he coos in my ear.

"Mm-hmm." I hum against his neck, kissing the skin. My lips trail up to his earlobe, I softly nibble on it and I open one eye to see him smiling. He takes my chin gently in his hand, tipping it up and connecting our lips. I loved moments like this, where we could just be us. No one else mattered, it was just Michael and I. Like nothing could ruin this momen-

"Fairy?" a small voice asks. We both look to find April standing at the end of our bed, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Hey sweetie." Michel says, I could tell he was just a bit disappointed, wanting u to be alone just a bit longer.

"Are you gonna leave again?" she asks sadly

"Aw honey, you know I hate leaving you two. I love you, I want to be with you all the time." he smiles, opening his arms a she runs up to him. He lists her into the bed with us. She sits on his lap, fiddling with her pajama top.

"Then why do you leave every day?"

"I have to go to work, I don't like to though, I would much rather be here. But we don't always have a choice in what we do, we just have to do what's best. Besides, I don't have to work today!" he says happily.

Her head snaps us and she hugs him tightly.

"Daddy! Did you hear? Fairy is staying today! Now you don't have to be sad!" she exclaims, my heart drops. The smile Michael was wearing faded and he looked at me, concerned.

"Um, honey, why don't you go pick out what you are going to wear today? We are going to buy you your pretty tutus for school okay?" Michael tells her, slightly smiling. She scurried off to her room. "Luke?" he asks as I keep my focus down. "What did she mean?"

"I just, I hate it when your gone. I know, I know, it sounds super clingy and annoying, but we have been together non-stop for years. With you being gone all day, it just feels weird...I like you being around. I guess I just get a little sad sometimes when I can't tell you about something April did...or something funny I read or just...I don't know. I am just being stupid. I mean, it's only been a week and I already hate it, sorry, I'm just being clingy..."

"Hey, no you're not. All I think about all day is you. It sucks, my mind is 99 percent occupied with you."

"What about the other 1 percent?"

"April. I think about what I'm missing out on, and how she must think that I don't want to spend with her. I think about how I can't just kiss you every second of the day...but this is just how it has to be. I'm sorry, I know it sucks. It sucks worse for me, trust me." he smiles, relieving me.

"Can I wear this?" April walks in, wearing a Cinderella costume dress.


After a very eventful day of buying school stuff and eating mall pretzels, April fell asleep in Michael's arms. That left me to carry all the bags, Mikey laughing as I struggle. I finally throw all the bags in the trunk, breathing a sigh of relief.

"You're such a wimp." he laughs after strapping April in her car seat. I jut out my bottom lip, pouting. "Aw, it's okay, kittens aren't supposed to be strong." he kisses my temple, hugging me.

"When does April start school again?" he asks after a moment.

"About a week." I huff. "I don't want her to go..." I sigh.

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