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I got fired.

Stupid fucking Robert fired me. Damn it, no, damn him. Apparently some of the other staff found out I was married to Luke, but they weren't bothered at all by it. As soon as the news came around to fucking Robert he fired me. Honestly, he is the biggest homophob I have ever met, he burst into the reception rooms and completely told me off. He continuously called me a faggot and said that my child shouldn't be raised by fags.

I punched him.


Maggie had to pull me off of him. I am banned from ever going back there, but I do have to get some stuff that I left. I only left some headphones, a picture frame of April, Luke and I, and a travel coffee mug. But I am most certainly not going while Robert is there, so I am having Maggie stay a little after hours tomorrow so I can get in and get my stuff.

I am beyond furious, words cannot even begin to explain how irate I am. I feel disappointment in myself as well, I really needed this job, I have to have a job and I need it now.

Now I have to find another, which isn't going to be so easy. I slam the car door so hard I 'm surprised that the window didn't shatter. I drive home frantically, just wanting to lay down and cuddle with Luke and April. My family.

After what seems like ages I pull into the driveway, halted by my phone sounding. I huff and fish it out of my pocket. Calum's name flashes across the screen.

"What?" I snap into the phone, a headache forming in my brain.

"Dude, I have something to tell you. But I don't know how to say it..." he trails off, not even acknowledging my rudeness.

"Just tell me." I sigh.

"I don't know, I mean, I think I need to tell you this face to face."

"Well can it wait?" I ask bitterly, rubbing my temple to ease my now throbbing headache.

"Not really..." he trails off again.

"Fine. I'll come over now. Bye." I rush, hanging up before I hear reply. I start the car once again and speed off, just wanting to go home.


I knock on the door annoyingly, waiting for Calum to answer. As soon as he open the door I push past him and turn to him.

"What was so damn important that you needed to see me right now?" I ask frustrated.

"You may want to sit dow-"

"No, I don't want to fucking sit down! Just spit it out!" I yell, tugging at my hair. Calum's face shows shock and he just stares at me. I sigh loudly, not meaning to snap at him. He did nothing wrong. "I am sorry's not you, I''m just pissed."

"Why?" he asks as I sit down on his sofa. I cover my face with my hands.

"I got fired." I murmur, not looking at him.

"What? Why?"

"Robert is a fucking homophob."

"Oh, well shit, I-I'm sorry." he stutters.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Um, it's about Luke..."

"What? Is there something wrong? What is it? Is it bad? Is he okay?" I frantically ask. Calum takes a deep breath.

"Oh, God. I don't know  how to tell you this..." he takes another deep breath. "I saw Luke today, I was walking to the shops to get more diapers and I saw his car parked outside the apartment building on West street." he pauses and I nod. "Luke was in the car, w-with a girl."

"Okay.." I say, worry filling my mind.

"They were- um, well, they were kissing." he admits and my heart throbs. I quickly stand, anger filling me.

"What the fuck!" I scream at him, surprising myself.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like thi-"

"Why would you fucking lie like that!?! And right to my face! You're disgusting!" I yell. Luke didn't do. He wouldn't.

"Michae-" I cut him off.

"No! Fuck you Calum! I can't believe you!" I shout, my face turning red. I race out and drive home so fast. I'm surprised I didn't get pulled over.

I get home finding Luke and April asleep in our bed. I snuggle up to Luke, kissing his cheek.

"You would never cheat...Calum's just jealous." I begin to sob. "You love me, and I love you."

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