pinkie swear.

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The rest of the night Luke was talking about Jonathan, saying how perfect he was for us. He talked about how perfect his name was, his nose, his eyes and even his little tuft of hair I agreed with him of course. I mean, I could tell how much he loved him. I just didn't have the same connection that Luke did with him.

But I don't think I could ever tell him that, I know it would kill him inside, knowing that I didn't love Jonathan as much as he did. We were actually going back to the orphanage to visit him again. Luke was all set to fill out the paperwork and have him to be legally ours, but I stopped him. I knew this was a big decision, I didn't want him to regret anything. So I convinced him to wait for a little bit, and just visit him a few times before adopting him.

We walk to the entrance and Luke basically skips through the halls to the baby room, which he was terrified of just yesterday. He quietly walks over the Jonathan's crib and sees the little boy with his bright blue eyes open, just gazing up at us, while the rest of the children were sound asleep.

The nurse from yesterday was there, tending to another crib and her face instantly brightened when she us.

"Wow, little Jonathan is just getting all kinds of visitors today." she said. I furrowed my eyebrows as Luke lifted him out of his crib, a worried look taking over his features.

"What do mean?" I ask.

"Oh um," her smile falters, "another couple was here an hour ago, they were all over him.." she says.

Luke and I look at each other. "Michael..." Luke says nervously. I sigh, knowing what he is going to say. "We need to do this now." I nod and he smiles, looking to the baby. "Do you wan tto come home with me and Mikey?" he says while grinning widely.

I smile at how cute they look, I have nothing against him, but for some doesn't feel right.

We walk to the front desk, with the same woman with too much makeup sitting there.

"Oh, hello boys..oh um, I see you've met Jonathan..." she trails off not looking very happy. She types a few things on the computer.

"Yes, um, we would-" she cuts me off.

"I'm sorry boys, he shouldn't even be in that room, I'm going to have to have a talk with that nurse." she mumbles.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Luke pipes up. The woman looks at us with sad, guilty looks.

"Well," she starts, "it seems that he is already in the process of being adopted by another couple, they have been visiting him for over a month and signed the papers today..."

I swallow hard, looking at Luke. His face is pale and tears well into his blue orbs. He looks like someone had just punched him in the gut. We say nothing as we walk back to the baby room, handing Jonathan back o the nurse. He gently kisses his small forehead.

Luke doesn't let the tears fall until the door to the room is closed. I hug him as he silently sobs into my chest. I feel a light tug on the bottom of my pants. My eyes dart down to see a little girl, no older than 5. She looks up at me with big brown eyes.

Luke notices as well and pulls away from me. The girl then turns her attention to Luke.

"Why are you crying?" she asks with a sweet high pitched voice. Luke sadly smiles and crouches down to her height.

"I'm just sad..."

"Why are you sad?" Luke doesn't reply. The little girl wraps her tiny arms around him, giving him a hug. Luke stops, and a look of shock runs over his face before he hugs the small girl back, smiling up at me . She pulls away.

"Are you happy now?" she asks. Luke laughs and smiles.

"Yes I am, thank you." She nods and I crouch down to them also. She giggles and puts a small hand on my head.

"Why is your hair purple?" she giggles. I smile and Luke leans into her and whispers something in her ear. Her face shows shock, her eyes lighting up and her mouth forming a little 'o'. "Really?" she asks excitedly. Luke nods.

"Wow." she breaths, gazing at my hair. I look at Luke and he just winks at me.

"So what's your name sweetie?" I ask, she just gawks at me. "I'm Michael, and that's Luke, so what's your name?" I ask again.

"Are you really a fairy?" she ask, her face scrunching up. I laugh and Luke just shrugs.

"Is that what Luke told you?" I say, gesturing to Luke. She nods and I laugh.

"Well then it must be true." I say and she begins to jump up and down.

"Oh my gosh a fairy, a real fairy!" she squeals while Luke and I laugh.

"April! What are you doing? Don't bother these people!" a woman calls. April, hides behind us as we stand up.

"Oh, it's no bother at all really." I smile and Luke nods, while April clutches to our legs.

"C'mon April, you have to go back to the play room." she says. April shakes her head.

"No I want to stay with Luke and the fairy!" she cries.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." I say, getting back down to her level. "We will be back tomorrow." I tell her. She smiles and lightly tugs on my hair, giggling.

"Okay fairy, pinkie swear?" she says, holding out a petite pinkie. I offer mine and interlock our fingers.

"Pinkie swear."

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