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hugz and tickles



"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Calum smiled at me. I don't know what to say. I want to yell at him and call him a liar. Nothing is okay. Instead of sobbing again over how empty and shitty I feel, I change the subject.

"So, how long will you be staying with us?" I question him.

"I'm not sure yet, maybe a month? It could be longer. I have to make sure you two are okay here." he smiles again. I swallow.

"You know, it's really nice that you're doing this for us. I don't know what would've happened to us if you weren't there." I gently stroke April's hair. She had fallen asleep, curled in my lap.

"Hey, I care about you a lot. A-And April." he quickly adds, "I'm just sorry that all of this happened. This is the least I could do." he places a hand on my leg, patting it. I manage to give him a small smile.

"So how many times have you been to America?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"Well, I used t come almost every summer, I would spend them with my grandma. After she died, she gave the lake house to me. So, now I'm finally using it."

"What about Kat? And Jonathan? Are you really going to leave them for that long? I mean, you really don't have to-"

"Kat and I," he interrupts, "have been having some issues...I don't really want to talk about it." he sheepishly looks down, taking his hand away from my leg. I frown.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything y'know." I reassure him.

"I know." he grins. "I just, I don't really like to talk about it, we just fight a lot, that's all."

I nod and turn my attention back to April. I bite my lip, thinking of Michael again. I blink my eyes, trying to make the tears return into my eyes.

"I just don't understand..." Calum starts. "how someone could leave you two. I mean, you're perfect in every way. I just don't get it. And April? How could Michael possibly leave this? I mean, I know he loved you...but how could he have ever stopped? You are literally the definition of perfection."

I move my gaze to the window, overlooking a brightly lit city. I came to a realization. I had never been on an airplane before.

"I mean, those eyes." Calum starts again. I look at him, and he's staring right back at me. "Your amazing eyes, and you're hair." he smiles, "it always looks perfect. And your voice, I wish I could just listen to you talk all day. I have no idea how you could've kept that voice from the world all those years. You're lips, and that damn lip ring. Honestly, it drives me fucking crazy when you play with it in between your teeth. The way your eyes would light up when you talked about April, just the way you love. I can tell how much you love, how much you care. It would be an honor to be loved by someone as perfect as you. Michael has no idea what he's done." The entire time he was talking, he was leaning closer.

I don't know if it was because he called me perfect, or because he was just there. I couldn'd even describe the amount of pain and sadness I was swimming in. I thought I was going to just collapse and let the world wrap it's self around me until I was just a faded memory. But he noticed, he was here. I was so alone. That's why I did it. I need someone. And he was there.

I quickly lean into him, connecting our lips.

It was completely foreign. I had never experienced something like this before. His lips were moving against mine, but I just felt numb. I didn't melt into the kiss like I did with Michael. It didn't feel right. Was it me? Did I need to just let go? What if I couldn't. I can't I can't let go.

Calum places a hand on my neck, his tongue swipes across my lip, nudging my lip ring. I don't react at first. I just continue to let his lips move against mine. Waiting to feel something...anything. I let him push his tongue into my mouth.

His tongue massages against mine. He wasn't rough or rushed. The kiss was full of passion and love. But I felt nothing towards Calum. I loved Michael.

I love Michael.

But he doesn't love me. He will never love me again...I just don't know what to do. I don't want this to end. I don't want Michael to end everything, but I also don't want this kiss to end. I want to feel something. I want this to mean something because Calum was nice. He could love me, he could take care of me. But I didn't want that. I didn't want him.

I want Michael.

Calum pulls away, his lips swollen. I see a little wet splotch on his face. Was he crying? I feel a tear travel to the tip of my nose. I realized I was crying.

We say nothing, we just stare at one another. The sound of my text tone makes me jump. I don't know how to feel. Should I be sad? Should I feel guilty? Why would I? Michael doesn't love me anymore. Why should I care?

Because I love him. But it's over.

I fish my phone out of my pocket. My heart skips a beat and more tears well into my eyes. What is happening? Am I reading this right? What do I do now?

new text message

From: Mikey<3

I love you.







the next chapter will have all the info for the third book in it:)

I love yall sososossossossosososososososososososoooo much. you dont even understand how many of you have helped me through alot of stuff and a HUGE thank you to all of you that even read thsi. I want to be a writer when I grow up and this has helpped me so much I didn't even know I wanted to write before wattpad and I remeber crying when mute got 50 reads. You guys have helpped me shape my dreams and I am forever grateful to you.

I love you guys.

hugz and tickles


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