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"So we didn't just come here to introduce you all to Jonathan and to meet April."

"You mean Dog." April corrects. She is still convinced that Jonatahn's name is Dog, even though we have all tried to explain to her t's not. Calum sighs, but continues.

"Yes, Dog." he giggles, "Anyways we wanted to invite you to Kat's recital." Calum says, placing a hand on Kat's leg and rubbing it lovingly as Kat's face turns a light pink.

"Recital?" I question.

"Uh, yea, Kat's recital." Calum says,giving us weird looks.

"Recital for?" Michael asks.

"Um, the dance company I dance at is preforming Swan Lake." she tells us.

"I didn't know you danced." Michael said, still slightly confused.

"Yea," she laughs, "since I was four."

"We came over to drop off tickets, it's next Saturday if you wanted to go." Calum says, digging in his pockets and pulling out the glossy tickets.

"Can I go to?" April asks in a sweet voice.

"Of course you can! See? I got you you're very own ticket." Calum says handing her hers. Her whole face lights up.

"Wow! Thank you uncle Cal!" she exclaims.

"Sure thing squirt." he chuckles.


"Daddy? Why isn't Fairy coming?" April asks as we walk through the mall.Michael was currently job hunting. Thankfully, he had saved alot of the money his parents gave him every month, so we were god for a little while.

Since the ballet was less than a day away I took April to buy a new dress to wear.

"Because princess, we have to buy you a dress. And the fairy can't see it yet, it's a surprise." I smile down at her, I didn't really want to tell her that he was looking for a job, I didn't want her to think he was abandoning her. I didn't know what she would think, so I just told a little white lie to keep her feeling form getting hurt.

"Can I buy a pink dress?" she asks, looking up at me as I hold her hand.

"We can buy whatever color dress you want." i smile down at her.

I lead her to a children's store, she immediately releases my hand and scurries to the rack of dresses.

"C-Can I help you?" a voice stammers from behind me. I turn to see a petite woman, no older than 21. She was honestly extremely adorable. She had emerald eyes that reminded me of Michael's. Her brown hair was cut into a bob and she was wearing a cute sundress. She just looked to youthful. I glance over at April who has an armful of dresses in her hands.

"Um, I think April's got it, thank you." I tell her as April totters over to me. "Honey, only one." I laugh.

"But daddy, I was just gonna try them on. Then I'll choose the one a like the best." she smiles.

"Uh, I can take you to the changing rooms." I slightly jump, thinking the woman had walked away. I turn back to her.

"Yeah sure, thank you." I smile. Her face turns pink and she leads us to the changing rooms, April insisting on carrying her dresses.

"There you go." she smiles. "My name is Ava if you have any questions." she fiddles with her fingers for a moment.

"Ok, thank you Ava." Once again, she blushes, mutters a 'your welcome' and walks off. April is already trying on her dresses, with me waiting outside the door. She is actually taking a long time. I softly tap on the door.

"Honey, do you need some help?" I ask her. When she doesn't answer I open the door, peeking my head through. She is turning her arms every which way, trying to zip the dress. I chuckle and lean down, moving the zipper up.

"Oh, April, that looks beautiful." I tell her, grinning. She twirls around in it, watching the skirt poof up.

"I like it." she says, swinging her arms. "But, I have more to try on." she quickly says. then, she tries to unzip the dress herself. I laugh again, watching her struggle. How she pokes her tongue out of the corner of her mouth and concentrates.

"Here, let me help." I easily unzip it and she shoos me away, so she can try on the other dresses.

After almost an hour, I get a text from Michael.

Hey kitten, where are you?

 still dress shoppin


 april is very...picky.

I send the last message as April walks out, wearing a pink dress. It has sequence around the darker pink sash and swirly designs around the skirt.

"I want this one!" she jumps with excitement. I laugh at her, just as Michael calls me.

"Okay, you can get that one, do you you wanna talk to fairy?" I ask. She takes the phone, nodding.

"Fairy? Hi! No, you can't come to the mall! Because daddy said you can't see my dress! it's a surprise...Ok, I love you too." she giggles handing the phone up to me.

"Hey Mikey."

'Luuuuke! I wanna see her dress." he whines. "Why did you tell her I couldn't see it?"

I just laugh at him.

"Well, I'm already at the mall, so I will just wait outside the store?" he question.

"Yea, that will be fine, see you in a few. I love you."

"Love you too Kitten."

I look down and see April is fully dressed, her dress in her hands.

"Ready princess?" she nods and smiles. We walk up the cashier, Ava standing behind the counter. Her head snaps up.

"O-Oh, hi. Um, are you all ready?" she ask, stammering over her words.

"Yea we are, honey, hand Ava your dress." I smile down at her. She stand on her tip toes and hands the dress to Ava.

"Oh, wow, this is beautiful! Did you pick this out all by yourself?" she ask April who nods happily "Well you picked the best one in the whole store." she grins. She rings up the dress and I pay, our finger brush and her hands turn clammy and she slightly shivers.

"Here you go." she says handing me back my card. "Thank you, bye April." she smiles and waves to April, handing her the bag. I take April's hand and we begin to walk out of the store.

"Uh, Wait!" I turn to see Ava right behind us. "Um, I'm sorry, but you just seemed really nice and I was wondering...could you maybe show me around? I just moved here a week ago and I have no idea where I am half the time." she nervously asks.

"Yea, sure. Do you want to like, exchange numbers?" I ask, she blushes and nods. We switch phones and we both type in our information. She hands me back my phone and I give her hers.

"T-thanks Luke, you can just text me whenever you're free." she smiles, looking at her feet.

"Sounds good, I'll see you soon yea?" she nods. "Say bye April."

"By Ava." she waves.

"Bye April." she smiles. We walk out of the store and I see Michael, looking extremely pissed.

Jealous Michael? I think YES!


should I do a spin off of Ashton and melissa??? it would be about the rape and having the baby and stuff idk...comment if you guys would be into tht.

Thank You fo Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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