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Michael hands me the clipboard and I sign my name in the required places, initialing in other. The entire time my heart was pounding and I was filling out the form as fast as I could, in fear of someone coming along and snatching it from me.

I stare down at the final signature spot...for some reason, I have the urg to just crumple up the paper and go home. Everything will be different after this. I won't have Michael to myself, I'll be sharing him with April and I know how selfish that sounds, but it worries me.

Michael and I will be so occupied with her what if we forget about us? We won't have time alone, she will always be there and we won't have any time just to be us. What if we just grow apart? What if we loose the love?

"Uh, Luke?" Michael asks me, setting a hand down on my knee. The pen in my hand is pressing firmly onto the paper and there is a big ink blot where the tip is set. I instantly pull the pen up and look at Michael, sadness filling my eyes.

"Everything will change..." I mumble, still feeling extremely selfish for second guessing this.

"Luke, everything will change, but who said that was a bad thing?" he smiles, kissing my temple. I smile and take a deep breath, signing my name is cursive.

Lucas Robert Clifford.

I take the papers  up to the front desk of adoption agency, setting them down. The woman takes them, thanking me and saying to have a seat until April is ready. Everyday for a month we have been visiting her, we got a hotel down there so we wouldn't have to drive back and forth. Everyday I found something knew to love about her, and so did Michael. My heart swells at the thought of having a kid, someone there to always cheer you up, someone to play and laugh with, someone to love and protect.

I suddenly understood Michael's love for me. He had told me why about a million times but I just didn't get how he could love all those things...I understand. I understand how he wanted to love and protect me from all the bad things, to make me happy.

I smile  to myself. Just as I see little April walk out with her teacher, Jessica. April has her barbie book bag and a little gray suitcase trailing behind her, holding Jessica's hand. When she sees us, the suitcase is drops to the floor and she sprints over to us, grabbing both of our legs.

"Do I get to go home with you yet?" she asks excitedly. We had talked to her, making sure she was okay with living with us, of course, she couldn't wait. We both crouch down to her level.

"It will be your home too." Michael says, grinning widely at April, who jumps up and down.

"Do I get my own room too?" she asks.

"Of course, sweetie." I tell her. She lets out a little squeal of eagerness.

"Can we go now? Are we leaving now?" her words are rushed and her eyebrows are raised highly, awaiting a response. I chuckle and Michael answers. "Yes, we can go now." while smiling.


The whole car ride consisted of April asking multiple questions, about everything. Literally, everything.

"So how old are you?" she asked.

"How old do you think we are?" Michael playfully asked, amused by all her random questions. She thought for a moment.

"50?" she asked causing Michael and I to burst into laughter as she sat there confused.

"Okay, do I have a grandma and grandpa? I did before, but they smelled weird and would always treat me like a baby." she said while crossing her arms over her chest. Michael and I gave each other a look before he answered her.

"Well honey, you do, but you won't see them very much..." he trailed off.


"Well, because, they live far, far away." he said, adding emphasis. She gasps lightly.

"Can we go to Far Far Away? Like in the movie with the green monster and the donkey?" she quickly question, which again erupts Michael and I to laughter.

"Do you mean Shrek?"

"Yes! I love that movie!" she exclaims.

"Well then little lady, lucky for you we have it at home." Michael smugly replies to her.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes." I say quickly.

"Really?" she perks up. She looks out the window, seeing nothing but highway.

"How much longer?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes?" I say it more like a question.

"Ugh, fifteen minutes is forever!" she whines, again making me chuckle.

About twenty minutes later, we arrive home ad I turn around to find April has fallen asleep.

"Awe, kitten, look she's sleeping." Michael whispers to me.He unbuckles and gently closes his door, opening hers and fiddling with the car seat. I also get out and pull her suitcase and book bag out of the car, lugging it up to our house. I turn to see Michael carrying a limp April behind me, wearing the biggest smile.

I unlock the door and we both enter, taking off our shoes and Michael motioning to Aprils. I gently remove her shoes from her sleeping limbs and follow Michael to her room. We had painted it pink of course, with a Barbie bedspread and a new dollhouse, curtsy of Kat, it had once been hers and her mother was going to sell it, so she took it and gave it to us to give to April.

I puled back to cover of her bed and Mikey slowly lowered her onto her bed, placing the covers over her small body. He then leaned down and lovingly kissed her on the forehead, which made my heart swell and he softly whispered to her.

"Sleep tight baby girl."

Michael was truly amazing, and I am so lucky to have him in my life, I don't think I would ever be able to stop loving him.

I did the same, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"Welcome home April."

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