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I wake up, a wet spot soaking through my tee-shirt. I try to turn, but there are two arms wrapped securely around me. I see Michael's hair poking out in different directions I smile and gently roll over, not wanting to wake him, or April who was wrapped in the blanket, clutching a stuffed animal. The smile quickly fades as I see his tear-stained cheeks, the skin around his eyes are red and puffy.

"Mikey..." I lightly shake him. A groan erupts from his throat. "C'mon Mikey, wake up." I glance at the clock, it was only around four o'clock, why was he home? I looked back down and see his emerald eyes, dull and sad, staring back at me. He doesn't smile, just looks at me blankly.

"Michael, what's wrong babe?"

He averts his gaze down, shifting uncomfortably. He swallows hard.

"Um, I uh, I got fired." he says. But it doesn't seem like that was the issue, he seemed upset about something else entirely

"Oh." is all I manage to say.

"I'm sorry." he whispers to me, ashamed.

"Hey, its fine, I have to get a job anyway to pay for Aprils tuition...we'll figure it all out. What happened anyway.?"

"I sorta...uh, punched my boss." a light smile tugs on his lips. I giggle.

"W-what? Why?" I laugh.

"Well, he was making fun of me...for being gay. He was saying awful things and he was saying things about April and how we shouldn't be allowed to raise I punched him."

"Good. Serves that bastard right." I smirk. "I hope you hit him more than once."

"Twice. No one messes with my family." He finally leans up and kisses me. "No one."


Mikey was acting weird the rest of the day, even while we went to sleep. He was being super clingy and protective of April and at the same time he seemed so distant, he just wasn't himself. Maybe is was because April was going to school in the morning? Was he nervous? I sure as hell was. Leaving April alone with total strangers all day...not my cup of tea. If it was up to me we would probably home-school her.

But she would be one of those cool home schooled kids, not the weird freaky ones...

It was so nice to have Mikey there, April was defiantly happy and it made things alot easier. Kat has tried to teach me how to make a ballerina bun...and its fucking impossible.

Michael got it perfect on the first try.

What would I do without him? He also makes kick-ass eggs, you know, when he doesn't burn them. But I guess that was mostly my fault..I was 'distracting him'. Oh well.

We finally managed to get into the car with April in her tutu and leotard, her hair perfect. That kid was a fire cracker, she was so excited for it being so early in the morning. My heart is pounding as we reach the studio/school...thingy.

I always heard that parents cry on their kid's first day of school. Now I know why...I am extremely teary eyed. I wasn't full on sobbing yet, but I probably will be soon. We walk April into the school, both of us holding one of her hands.

"Daddy I'm so excited! Do you think I'll be able to dance the first day?" she looks up at me.

"I'm not sure honey, you'll get to eventually, I promise." I smile down at her.

"Daddy, why are you sad?" she asks me, noticing my watering eyes. We help her put her things in her cubby and I crouch down to her.

"I just need a hug is all." I extend my arms and she happily runs into them. I squeeze her tightly and she squeezes right back.

"Are you happy now?" she grins.

"Yes, thank you princess, I love you. Have fun." I smile, kissing her head and standing before Michael bends down and picks her up.

"Have a good day sunshine, I love you." he smiles.

"I love you too Fairy." she wraps her tiny arms around his neck and he sets her down.

"Okay, it's time for us to go now, but don't worry, we'll be back in a few hours, make some friends. Have a good time, and if you need us at anytime just call. Ask you teacher and it is perfectly okay. I'm gonna miss you." my voice cracks and I hug her once more, a tear escaping my eye.


"So, we have all this extra time...what do you wanna do?" I ask Mikey as we sit on the couch watching some boring television show. He just shrugs.

"I have no idea." he huffs.

"I do." I say scooting closer to him. I place my hand on his thigh and begin to kiss his neck. He squirms underneath me, as if it was uncomfortable. I pause slightly but then continue, sucking on his swet spot. He light moans and I smirk against his skin. I kiss along his jawline and inch my hand closer. Just before I smash our lips together he abruptly stands.

"Luke, not now." he sighs, running his hand through his hair.

I sit there shocked as he rushes ou of the room, followed by a door slamming upstairs. I feel hot tears slide down my face.

He rejected me...

Sorry it was kinda short! I wanted to update and it was kinda a filler:( Ill try my best to update tomorrow!


hugz and tickles


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