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Happy thanksgiving lovelies!!!!!!

i hope urs is going better than mine:(

its honestly a complete nightmare so far...RANT TIME

okay so it like fucking 9am and my grandma and her boyfriend come over when we arent even eating until 2. so i was asleep obviously and i had stayed up till 3am the night before so im tired as fuck and she jusr barges into my room. she kept yelling at me to get up and that i was being disrespectful and shit when i didnt even know she was here yet. then i was waking up and i was checking my phone and she walked back in(it had literally been like 2 minutes) ans she was like carlee you better get your ass out of bed, you are being rude i didnt drive 2 hours to not see you. i want to talk to you get up.

so i got dressed and went to the dining room where my family was and it was dead silent and then shes all like well look who finally decidied to get up. so i made myself some coffee and sat down at the table. she never talked to me one time. never. it was dead silent and it was hella awkward we all were just staring at each other in silence and i wanted to scream. so i helped my mom make diner/lunch and then we ate and it was still hella awkward cause no one talked. after we ate i cleaned up with my mom and then she finally started talking.but not to me, to my brother. she thinks hes some kind of fucking angel. she talked to him about baseball and schol and his girlfriend forever. then she asked me about collage and shit. like a freshman.

i told her i ws planning on going to art collage and i also wanted to take drama and write and stuff and she got pissed telling me it wasnt reasonable and i would never make a living out of it and trying to tell me to be more like casey and all this shit. then my other relatives got involved saying the same things she was and my mother said nothing. she never defended me and she knows what i want and she approves of it. i was beyond pissed and just said because i take writing and art very seriously ans its what i want to do for the rest of my life but they act like its a joke and its not important.

i almost started crying and i had to lock myself in my parents bathroom to get away from them because they are so fucking suffocating. i thought i was gonna start having a panic attack and i stayed in there the rest of the time.

i came out after 2 fucking hours and they all looked at me and said:

'wow we didn't even realize you were gone.'


He removed my shirt, his eyes moving up and down my pale body. He leans down and places lingering kisses over my chest. he trails them to my arms. The bandages are removed and he stares intently at each scar, including the most recent ones. He pulls my arm up to his lips and gently kisses over each and every scar.

"So beautiful." he mumbles against the damaged skin.

"No it's's hideous." I huff. His green eyes flash up to me.

"They're stunning, it shows that you have been through battles, one's where you were close to loosing..." he kisses the most recent, defined scar,"but that you were strong enough to pull through, that you're strong enough to go through all the pain. Lukey, they show how incredible you are, you are beautiful, and so are these."

"Really?" I ask him, tears of happiness gathering into the corners of my eyes. His genuine, loving smile faded and was replaced with a evil smirk.

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