Chapter 1:

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A/N: Hey guys this is my first official fic. I wrote it like a month ago and I'm actually doing something with it. I'm sorry if either Carl or Negan steps out of character. My friend gave me the idea for this fic and I really like it. I hope you enjoy!!

Carl woke up in a dark room. His whole body hurt like hell but he managed to stand up. Carl fell down almost immediately after and waited a minute to regain his strength.

When he finally stood up again the door flew open and bright light flooded the entire room. He shielded his face with his arms and a loud voice said "Oh good, you're up. You've been out for a couple of days."

Carl moved his arms to see Negan standing in front of him. "What do you want?!" he snapped at him.

"You shouldn't snap at me boy. Especially after mowin' down two of my men, good men might I add, and what your daddy did to my men." he said in a condescending tone.

"Walk with me Carl." He said. Carl hesitantly stepped out of the cell and followed Negan down a narrow hallway.

They came upon a big door and Negan pushed it open to reveal the outside world. For a split second Carl was almost scared to see the walkers chained to the fence surrounding the outside perimeter.

"Welcome to The Sanctuary, Carl!" He said enthusiastically. He began walking towards the fence and when he turned he saw that Carl hadn't moved.

"Why am I here Negan?" he asked impatiently. A smirk formed on Negan's face and he slowly approached him.

"You should know exactly why you're here son!" He boomed. "You and your daddy killed a shit ton of my men and I even explained how uncool that was. So I thought to myself 'Hmm, Rick killed my men and took my weapons so why not take his only son.' I could have returned you to Alexandria safe and sound... but where's the fun in that? Right?" He said chuckling at his own words.

"I didn't participate in killing your men Negan." Carl said quickly.

"Oh but you did!" He chuckled again.

"I don't know what you want with me Negan. You know my dad's just gonna come and get me." Carl said, trying to sound threatening. He couldn't let this guy get to him. He couldn't let Negan see him being scared. Not again.

He killed his fucking mom goddammit! He's seen things normal kids should never have seen. He was not gonna let this... this douche get to him.

"You know Carl, you're just like your daddy. You act tough and like nothin' bothers you. But eventually that tough guy act you play goes away and you fucking snap. Just like that." Negan said as he snapped his fingers. (A/N: okay guys I cannot be the only one who pictured Negan being sassy and doing the whole three snaps thing!)

"What's that supposed to mean?" Carl asked, slightly annoyed with his bullshit.


"You have no idea who you're messing with, Negan. My dad's gonna come and blow your head sky-freakin'-high" he threatened. Negan's smirk disappeared for a second to be replaced with a dark expression. He licked his bottom lip and his smirk appeared again.

"Well pardon me young man. And excuse the shit outta my goddamn French. But, did you just threaten me?" He asked.

"Damn right." Carl said as he spit in Negan's face.

His expression darkened once again and he swiftly grabbed his arm. He gripped it tight as he dragged Carl down the same narrow hallway as before. They got to Carl's old cell and he threw him in.

"I'll come back when I think you can behave." He said as he slammed the door shut.

"KISS MY ASS!!" Carl yelled through the door. He heard Negan cackle as he walked down the hallway. Then he heard it. Drum beats. Then stupid piano music and the dumbest voice.

"We're on Easy Street. And it feels so sweet. Oh the world is but a treat when you're in Easy Street. And we're breaking out the good champagne. Sitting pretty on the gravy train."

"GOD KILL ME NOW!!!!!!" Carl screamed as he covered his ears tightly with his hands. When it was over it played over again and it continued for what felt like forever.

A/N: hey guys sorry if this chapter was short. I wrote this on paper in like January and now I'm publishing it to finally appeal to  my friends demands. I hope you enjoy. I actually listened to Easy Street the whole time I wrote this so I'm basically losing my mind. And like I mentioned before let me know if any character wasn't themselves.

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