Chapter 13:

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A/N: Hey guys I just want to apologize for that sucky ass chapter. It was kind of a filler chapter. I hope this chapter is a little better. I love you all and hope you have a great day. Thanks for all your support and I hope I can start writing my next fic. Maybe I'll give you a little sample of it. It all depends on what you want. Let me know in the comments.


~time skip~ one week:

Carl's POV:

"Come in!" I shouted from the bathroom. I heard the door open and continued brushing my teeth. Negan appeared in the bathroom doorway and smiled. "You ready, son?" He asked. I nodded my head and set my toothbrush down on the sink.

I closed the door to my room and we walked down the hallway. Negan led us to the truck but instead of getting in, he put his hand up and led me somewhere else.

We walked around a corner and saw about 10-12 motorcycles parked in a row. Negan hopped on one and I got in the back of it. "I'm not gay son. I trust you. You get your own bike." He said with a smirk. He saw the look of disbelief and chuckled.

"You're a big boy Carl. You know how to mount a bike right?" I nodded and hopped on the bike next to his. He kicked started his and waited for me to do the same. "Now Carl. You got the feisty bike. She's a shit to handle so take it easy on her." Negan shouted over the roar of the bikes.

He slowly began backing out of the spaces and exited the area. I did the same and we were soon cruising behind the caravan of vans. I got a little cocky and started racing Negan. I veered over and sped past the trucks.

Sure enough Negan was right on my ass and was passing me with the blink of an eye. He flipped me the bird as he passed and led the way. I wasn't an expert rider and to be honest this was actually my first time. I was hella good though. It was pretty simple except I had trouble leaning when I wanted to turn or switch lanes.

We slowed when we approached a larger fenced off area. Hilltop. I swallowed hard and stopped the bike. I got off it as Negan did the same. He walked over to the gate and it swung open slowly. He waved his hand over and I walked by his side. I knew Maggie was here since Glenn and Abraham.

She stepped out of a big museum looking building and looked really pregnant. It seemed like I hadn't seen her in forever.

My heart dropped when I saw another person walk out of the building. I quickly looked away hoping they wouldn't see me. I turned around and bent over. I picked up a stick and began walking towards the open gate. I found a log and sat down on it.

I was drawing shapes in the dirt when a voice spoke up. "It's been a while." I looked up from my drawings and saw Enid standing in front of me.

"I'm surprised you're even following him around still. Considering he killed your dad." She said coldly. I stood up but she put her hand on my chest. "Don't touch me...bitch." I countered.

Her expression changed from cold to evil. "Or what? You wouldn't hit a girl now would you Carl?" She teased. She pushed me down back on the log and stepped forward. Her boots destroyed my beautiful shapes in the dirt and I thought "Get the fuck off of my circles you bitch." (Alysha Ray you'll appreciate that.)

I pushed her to the side and she immediately screamed her head off. "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU PERV!!" Soon after Maggie, Negan and Jesus came running out of the gates.

"What the fuckity fuck do we got here?" Negan said with his signature smirk. I stepped away from Enid and walked over to Negan. Maggie and Jesus stood by Enid as she "explained" (more like lied) what happened. Obviously she tried to make it seem like I was trying to rape her but I didn't.

"Uh...well Kal can vouch for me right?" She asked nervously as she looked at Kal. He was standing watch and he may or may not have witnessed everything.
Kal shook his head and stepped down from the watch post.

Shortly after he appeared by Negan's side. "Well 'Kal'." Negan began adding extra emphasis on his name  he added air quotes around it too and I tried to hide my small smirk forming.

"Well...uh...I saw Carl rush out of the gate and he was drawing shapes in the dirt. Then Enid followed him and said something along the lines of "Negan killed your dad." or something like that and Carl told her to back off but she pushed him and then he went to get up. She screamed and then now we're here talking about it. And now I'm done telling my amazing story." He explained and finished with a dramatic bow. (A/N: so I know Kal probably would've lied for Enid but I just felt like I didn't want to side her. I fucking hate Enid. She can die in a fucking hole and then Crowley can damn her to hell.)

Negan slowly turned his head to Enid and Maggie, who pushed Enid behind her protectively. "Well...I guess it's safe to say you're boarding a lying little bitch in your home Widow." Negan said with a chuckle.

"Just get your damn shit and leave." Maggie growled. Negan smirked and sauntered back inside the gate. I followed him and Maggie and Enid and Jesus stayed behind. I heard Maggie's voice quietly talking behind me and assumed she was lecturing Enid it some stupid shit.

A/N: okay guys I just wanna say this fic started out really strong then it slowly started going downhill and now it's just gone down the shitter. I mean it's as dead as Glenn and Abraham. It ain't ever gonna come back. Unless it's like Mika and then we got a problem. Just look at the flowers. Anyways...I made a vow to myself that I'd never just give up on a fic like some people do. I'd rather give you guys a shit ending than no ending at all. I hope you kinda enjoyed this fic and I really want to say Negan's relationship with Coral has made a big step. I mean he took Coral riding on a fucking motorcycle. What did Rick do? Got his son's eye shot out cause he had girl problems. Dammit Rick. I love you all and hope you have a beautiful week. You're all so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Always keep fighting and Keep on keepin' on. Night bitches. ❤️❤️❤️🎈


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