Chapter 9:

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A/N: JEFF WOULD RIDE A FUCKING MOTORCYCLE WITH HIS FUCKING BISOU!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING LEGEND!!! Just wanted to let you know I love you all and I hope you have a great day today. This chapter there will definitely be some happier things hopefully. Hopefully I'll make Coral and Negan get drunk again. Let me know if they go a little OOC.

Xoxo G.R.

Negan dug a grave for Rick and Gabey  helped him set his body in it. Gabey said a few words for Rick and they had small funeral service. They grabbed Judith and a few things for her like diapers, toys and clothes.

Carl held her as they drove home in silence. He was quiet the whole time, he didn't even look at Negan. "Hey. Go in the glovebox and grab the flask." Negan said.

Carl looked at him with a serious look and Negan shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself. I'm gonna have me a drink myself then." Negan said as he reached over, one hand on the wheel and the other opening the glovebox and grabbing the flask. He twisted the top open and took a swig if whiskey.

Negan held it in his hand as he continued driving down the road. Carl put Judith in the bask seat and buckled her up. He reached over and grabbed the flask. Tears streamed down his face as he drank.

Negan just continued driving and Carl quietly cried as he stared out the window. "I'm truly sorry. Carl, I want you to know that. I don't k ow what you're going through but I have lost people close to me."  Negan said, truly wishing he could take Carl's pain away.

Negan reached over and put Negan's hand on his shoulder. His cries became more intense. " wife. She died at the start. She had cancer. I couldn't put her down. I just couldn't. Now I live every day full of regret." Negan said, trying to comfort him.

Carl looked at Negan with tears stained cheeks and snot on his nose. "There's a tissue in the glovebox. Clean your face up, son." he said with a chuckle, trying to say anything that could lighten the mood.

They arrived at the Sanctuary shortly after and Carl was slightly drunk. He went straight to his room leaving Negan with Judith.

He left her with Frankie and Sherry, only because he wanted to be there for Carl. He's like a son to Negan. The son he never could have. He needed to protect him and make sure he was okay.

~time skip (maybe about a month or two since Rick's died. sorry. not sorry)

"I'm coming!" Carl snapped, getting up to answer the knock at his door. He opened it just enough to see Negan standing at the door. He had Lucille resting on his shoulder and a bottle of whiskey in the other.

Carl opened the door more and Negan walked in. He closed the door behind himself as he walked over to the sofas and coffee table.

"Carl, I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I know it's a rough time for you but I'm here for you and you're safe here. I will protect you. I wi-" Negan started saying.

"I don't need this speech Negan. I've been given this speech plenty of other times and to be totally honest I don't need to hear this shit again."  Carl said, cutting him off.

"I'm just tryin' to fuckin' help son. I care about you too much to lose you to this world. To your own mind." He said in a soft voice.

He put his hand on Carl's shoulder and squeezed gently. Negan took the whiskey from his hand and took another sip. Carl took it back and they passed the bottle back and forth until it was gone.

One bottle of whiskey wasn't enough to numb the pain Carl was feeling. Carl not only lost his dad, but he couldn't even consider Rick being his dad anymore. But Carl also lost Michonne. She was a better mom to him and Judith than Lori ever was.

Part of Carl was glad he went with Negan but the other part was hoping he'd stayed. There has to be some leader at Alexandria. No. Carl thought to himself. You're safe here. Judith is safe here. Negan does a better job at protecting us than dad ever could.

"What's on your mind, son?" Negan asked. "I'm not thinkin' 'bout nothin'." Carl said. Negan chuckled and leaned forward.

"Well sure you are. Whenever you're thinking your brows furrow. And not like when you give me that stink eye."

"Oh. I just want to get out of here and stretch my legs ya know?" Carl said. Negan nodded his head and stood up. "Let's go for a ride kid."

Carl looked up at him and a small smile formed on his face

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Carl looked up at him and a small smile formed on his face. He stood up and grabbed his hat from the dresser. He placed it on his head and went to the door.

Carl pulled it open and stepped through. Negan followed suit and they walked down the now very familiar hallway.

Negan and Carl jumped into the truck and drove down the road. Negan reached over to the glovebox and pulled out a CD. He placed it in the radio and hit play. Hall and Oates started playing. It was the same song he played when they got drunk together.

He was singing along but nowhere near singing well. Carl sang along, matching the horrible tone of his voice. They continued driving down the empty road not knowing where Negan was taking him. He didn't care, he felt free for the first time in a long time.

The windows rolled down, wind in Carl's hair, and the music blasting through the speakers. He felt good. Carl seemed to have forgotten all of his problems and he was living a care free moment.

Negan started slowing down as they approached an old looking bar. There wasn't any walkers in sight but Carl didn't want to take any chances.

Negan stopped the truck and hopped out. He closed the door and Carl hopped out, closing the door behind him.

He pulled his gun from the holster and pointed straight. Negan came around the front of the truck with his gun aimed.

He approached the door to the bar and Carl banged on the wall three times. "What the fuck was that for?" Negan whispered.

Three walkers slowly limped towards them and Carl shot all three. They fell to the ground and Negan looked at him with a smirk.

They dragged the bodies outside so they wouldn't stink up the place.

A/N: I am over 1,100 words so I'm just gonna leave it here. I will work on chapter 10 as soon as possible so I don't leave ya hangin' for too long. Love you all!!!! Always keep fighting!!!!


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