Chapter 25:

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A/N: Our baby boy became a man.  Finally. I'm sorry if you guys didn't like Carl losing his virginity to Miranda, but I didn't want him to die a virgin. And I sure as shit didn't want him to lose it to Enid. Rest In Peace Enid. Not. Akf and koko.


Carl woke up the next morning feeling unusually warm. He opened his eyes and saw Miranda laying on her stomach, sleeping deeply. His heart dropped as memories of last night came flooding back.

Did we...? Carl lifted up the blankets and saw both of them were naked. We totally did...FUCK YEAH! He thought to himself. His brain quickly processed what that meant and felt himself blush a deep red.

Slowly Carl slid out of the bed, making his way to the shower. Luckily it was really quiet, so he was able to shower without waking up Miranda.

After getting dressed, Carl tied his shoes and headed out the door. Quietly closing it behind himself, he started walking down the hall.

When Carl turned a corner, he ran into Negan. "Hey son!" He exclaimed. "Didn't see ya at dinner last night...didn't even hear ya come to your room for that matter."

"A-are you sure? Cause I remember sleeping in my bed last night." Carl said nervously. Negan cocked an eyebrow at him while a smirk was growing on his face.

Negan eyed Carl suspiciously as he continued talking. "I was there all night. I was just so tired from the run, I went straight to bed without eating."

"Sure, son. I went to your room this morning to see if you were there, but you weren't. I went to say goodnight to ya last night but you weren't there then either."

Carl's eyes widened slightly. "W-well I must've been in the bathroom when you came in." He stuttered.

Negan chuckled slightly. "Go get some breakfast, son. You must be starving from yesterday then." He said, trying to hide my smile.

"A-Alright, dad." Carl mumbled as he hurriedly turned around. Negan looked down at the ground and saw something sticking to his shoe.

"Hey, Carl, wait a second, son." He said as he stepped on whatever was stuck to his shoe. Negan bent down to pick it up and his smile widened when he realized what it was.

Carl turned around and the color left his face as soon as he saw Negan's smirk and the condom wrapper in his hand. "You really shouldn't litter, son" Negan said, waving the wrapper around in the air, causing Carl to turn a deep red.

"I-uhh...uh..." Carl stuttered before turning around and sprinting down the hall. Negan threw his head back and laughed loudly. He watched Carl run around the corner and slowly made his way after him.

Carl ran down the stairs to the cafeteria and hid at a table in the corner. He sat there looking around frantically, not wanting Negan to see him.

A few minutes later Carl saw Negan saunter into the room. His heart dropped when his eyes landed on him.

Carl quickly ducked his head down to try and hide under the table, but just to his fucking luck, he smacked his forehead on the table hard enough to leave a bump.

"Ah shit!" Carl groaned as he rubbed his forehead. Carl heard Negan laugh as he continued walking towards him.

"How's it feel to finally be a fuckin' man, son?!" He asked, throwing the condom wrapper on the table.

Carl quickly snatched it away and stuffed it in his pocket. "Ah keepin' a little souvenir, are we?" Negan teased.

"Fuck off." Carl said flatly. He got up from the table and tried to walk away but Negan caught his wrist in his hand before Carl got too far.

"Hey, I was serious, son. How does it feel bein' a man?"

"I-I don't know...I feel...I feel the same I guess..." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Bullshit. How does it feel?" He asked again.

"I told you...I-I feel more awkward I guess or I-I don't know! I guess I feel different...I don't know okay!" Carl snapped, getting irritated with the incessant prying.

Negan raised his eyebrows in surprise, but it was soon replaced with a smile. "C'mere son." Negan said as he pulled Carl into a hug.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, but something like that is a big fucking deal. I never thought I'd ever be able to share that moment with someone." Negan said, sitting them both down on the bench.

"I never thought I'd be able to be there for someone I consider my own son, and see him become a man. That's always been what I've wanted with my life." He continued.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Negan stood up. "Well, as much as I'd love to talk, I have wives to screw and ass-wipes to yell at. It was good talking to ya son. I'll see you in your room tonight...right?"

Carl nodded his head and stood with him. "Yeah probably. I gotta get back to Miranda so she doesn't think I ditched her. I gotta get us both breakfast and then uh...well..." Carl trailed off.

"What is it son?"

"How do you talk to the girl you just lost your virginity to? I mean...what do you say?"

Negan tried to stifle his laughs, but failed miserably. "Well...I haven't lost my virginity since '87. That was a damn fine year."

"Her name was Marie...beautiful green eyes and long black hair. She was a fucking beast. She was built like a brick house and she took bullshit from no one." Negan said chuckling as memories came flooding back.

"One day I took her out in the woods in my grandparents cabin and we fucked. It was pretty good considering both of us had no fucking idea what we were doing." He chuckled. " should've seen her dad's reaction. He chased me around the lawn with a sawed off shotgun. Nearly pissed my pants."

Carl laughed at the picture. "What did you say to her after?" Carl asked.

"Well let's just say we didn't talk again. It wasn't like we liked each other. We were just bored. Wanted to try something new. Heat of the moment kinda thang. Ya know?" Negan shrugged.

"Oh. You didn't want it to be special?" Carl asked.

"Nah. I didn't have anyone in my life. Everyone died. I just closed myself off to all emotion...until I met Lucille. I wanted to fight the feeling. God I tried so fucking hard. But she was like a magnet. A moth drawn to a flame almost." Negan said with a smile.

"She was special. She was the sweetest woman I've ever known. Best damn cook too." He continued.

Carl looked at him with a small smile and shook his head at the memories. "You would've loved her." Negan said as he placed his hand on his leg.

"I bet I would've." Carl said with a happy smile.

A/N: Holy fucking shitballs! I am so sorry for not updating sooner! Jesus Christ have I ever neglected something so bad?! Oh my Chuck I'm so sorry guys. I hope you enjoyed this little ditty. Lemme know. Love y'all. Akf and koko.


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